1995 Range Rover 4.6 HSE Overheating problems

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New Member
Don't know if anyone can help but I would be very grateful of any suggestions.

I've just bought the above Range Rover with overheating problems, stupid I know!

If you keep the heater on full the guage stays around half way, usually (Though not always?) when you stop the heater it raises to three quarters, sits a while and will slowly creep into the red unless the heater is turned back on.

I have had the temperature sensor replaced, along with the thermostat (Heater blows hot and cold as it should). I've had the radiator flushed and the coolant came out clean and quickly which I'm told suggests is wasn't a blockage, it was also checked for air locks at the time. The oil and water are not mixing and I don't appear to be losing coolant... It does not over heat at idle even without the heater on, I would suggest it starts getting hotter at around 2500 revs. There is a slight misfire though and the exhaust fumes smell a little rich though I could be wrong. Getting an average of around 12mpg around town if its relevent...?

Pleeeaaaasssseee help me before I commit suicide!!! lol

I haven't had that problem with my P38 yet, but I did have a problem with the 200TDi Disco I had, the problem was that my internal fan stopped working, not saying that this might be the problem, I don't really know much about it, would ask my other half, but hes probably in bed now
hello mate , forget flushing your radiator put a new one on it , they arnt expensive , all the flushing in the world wont move the scale that builds up in the tubes , also check the bleed hose that runs from the top of the radiator to the header tank , at the same time make sure the nipples the hose goes on to are also clear .
if , after that its still overheating then get it sniff tested for the presence of combustion gasses in the cooling system , any decent garage should be able to carry this out for you , or you could buy your own kit from a snap on tools dealer they are on special offer at the moment at about £47.00 with an extra bottle of testing fluid :) .

i have the same engine 4.6 HSE, and i faced the same problem of over heating when driving the car only.

i have cleaned all the cooling system including the radiator pipes and every thing else and even the thermostate. still i have the same problem.

finally we figuerd out what was the problem, the cylinder over head gaskit has a crack on it due to two reasons, the clynder over head goes lose after some time and the theromstat sometimes stop functioning.

save your time and change the over head gaskit.