1980 series3?

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New Member
Hello people.
New to this forum...
I have heard about a 1980 landrover for quick sale. I imagine this age is a S3.
It has had been a nissan engine fitted in the past and has been running until recently.
it needs rhe brakes done. hence cheap price.
anything to look out for?

is there much in getting a lr engine back into it,presuming its just the engine and not Gb too.

I might see it tomorrow so any advice is welcomed.
If its too much a shed for restoring for vintage runs
i may offroad it if its worth buying.
also whats scrap value?gear and tx boxes? axles?
THANKS in advance!!
1980 would make that a series 3. Main things to look out for are the chassis and bulkhead (if they're rotten or how much welding needs doing).

What engine would you want to fit? A TDI or the 2.25 that would have been in it?
As will be said no doubt worth getting on the introduce yourself forum first ...but welcome!
As the good Dr says dont scrap a possible classic, but Nissan engine????
Dont rush in worth shopping about and yes any questions ask on the site loads of knowledge here and no bulls**t
It maybe a good un but may have been hacked about beyond easy restore, get some pics up here if possible guys here will be honest in theor answers :)