north yorks laners do peaks... 30th july..

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north yorks laners do peaks... 30th july..

meeting at 10am... (or if ya comin from yorkshire woolley edge 9.00am)
The Fox House‎
Sheffield, South Yorkshire S11 7TY

1. nick2303 - Wooley Edge
2. defender11969 - Wooley Edge
3. Lowey -
4. Cez1869 - Fox House
5.Windyone - mate is called dazrobbo -
7.callum-90 -
8 richy 2011 -
9. Joe Disco? -
10. joe1972 - Fox House
11.paul65 - Meeting at Nicks place?
12.KNZ90 -

Not sure about the rest, if they can copy & update? but hopefully with a long list, might make a little clearer..

So, is this the final list now?. not sure, lost track.
meeting at 10am... (or if ya comin from yorkshire woolley edge 9.00am)
The Fox House‎
Sheffield, South Yorkshire S11 7TY

1. nick2303 - Wooley Edge
2. defender11969 - Wooley Edge
4. Cez1869 - Fox House
5.Windyone - ? mate is called dazrobbo - ?
7.callum-90 -woolley
8 richy 2011 - woolley
9. Joe Disco? - Maybe...
10. joe1972 - Fox House
11.paul65 - woolley
12.KNZ90 -woolley

6 deff for woolley... windy and mate dunno? cez n joe at fox house.... joe disco maybe not...
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north yorks laners do peaks... 30th july..

meeting at 10am... (or if ya comin from yorkshire woolley edge 9.00am)
The Fox House‎
Sheffield, South Yorkshire S11 7TY

1. nick2303 - Wooley Edge
2. defender11969 - Wooley Edge
3. Lowey -
4. Cez1869 - Fox House
5.Windyone -fox house mate is called dazrobbo - fox house
7.callum-90 -
8 richy 2011 -
9. Joe Disco? -
10. joe1972 - Fox House
11.paul65 - Meeting at Nicks place?
12.KNZ90 -
i am up and ready
Cracking day. really enjoyed it. Was a shame I had to call it a day and duck out of laning early. We let it cool down for about 30-40minutes after you guys had gone. Fired it up and it ran right as rain....until I got stuck in traffic south Manchester. Had to stop at McDonalds for shake to let it cool down again.
Next job defo get the radiator swapped out for one that does some cooling, as recommended.
Was great to meet up...stanage edge...arwsome! :)
cheers, Joe
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glad ya enjoyed it m8... sory we deserted you..

bumped into a ranger a bit after leaving you..

he was cool, had a chat wiv him...

stanage never fails to impress..

got home 10 to 6.. left at 20 past after chuckin a bucket a water of disco and a quick shower for me.. glad theres a buffet tonite i'm starvin!!!
good day out


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tim, ya gonna have to get a light bar and some driving lamps on the front of ya p38 m8..

lookin too standard....;)

Hahaha, its me birthday in October.. you think i should put me list in the missus handbag now..? :D

Completely agree with you on that one.. Good pics Paul / Sue, good to see you all again & thanks for a cracking day yet again.!
Grate day yet agen, just got home after fish n chip call on the way back :) got to say that last lane was deffo worth stopping for! Ace!

Glad you got home ok Joe, nice to meet the new faces!

Cheers for leading nick! I'll have t get a map of thimbelby area n take us there or has anyone elce got any suggestions?
Grate day yet agen, just got home after fish n chip call on the way back :) got to say that last lane was deffo worth stopping for! Ace!

Glad you got home ok Joe, nice to meet the new faces!

Cheers for leading nick! I'll have t get a map of thimbelby area n take us there or has anyone elce got any suggestions?

which map is it m8???

i got one for the west end of th moores when we went to rutland...