1. L

    P38A Air suspension newbie question and some other small niggles

    I could see some of the cracking but most was inwards and only be seen if under the car also didn't have any clips on the top . Was a pig to get the airline back in. Just other side to do now but looks like it has been replaced but doing it just in case then the water pump. What are worth a few...
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    White smoke and checking liners

    Touch wood no tapping yet was going to get her pressure tested while the garage hunt for a oil leak.
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    White smoke and checking liners

    I recently bought a 4.0 v8 p38 And it's started to produce white smoke from exhaust uses a little water top up once a month. I've Googled the symptoms and it says liners are head gasket. Before I go to a garage is their any tests I can do at home. So far I've checked no gunk in oil cap no...
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    P38A bad oil leak and steam from exhaust

    Are theis easy fixes. Will probably pay garage to fix as it's a pain with out a ramp and I live on a dirt road
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    P38A bad oil leak and steam from exhaust

    Cleaned the area I think it's coming from with clutch and brake cleaner. Can't see exactly were it's coming from but is running down the oil filter. Got it booked in to get everything checked over just in case. Theirs no water in oil and the expansion tank isn't bubbling. Getting a compression...
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    P38A bad oil leak and steam from exhaust

    Morning everyone just wondering if I can pick people's brains before I go my local garage. Went to my range and found a puddle of oil under her, had a look underneath and looks like oil is running down the oil filter with the look of it l. The oil filter is tight, is their any come faults are...
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    P38A Air suspension newbie question and some other small niggles

    You can hear the air leaking out. Ordered 2 bags for the front look quite easy to change over. If weather is decent this weekend will have a look under and c how bad it is
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    P38A Air suspension newbie question and some other small niggles

    Found another symptom and I'm guessing it's probably the main fault. When car is parked engine not running the front passenger side drops to the lowest point all others stay at correct height
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    P38A replaced battery. now we have a new issue

    Cheers will have a look over it just annoying I can't set the windows and bleeping is annoying
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    P38A replaced battery. now we have a new issue

    Good morning I replaced my battery with a bigger 1000cca battery now she start straight away alarm siren is louder etc still having central locking issues but a new issue I've got is both the passenger windows have decided to stop working and now I get window not set warning and I can't reset as...
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    P38A Air suspension newbie question and some other small niggles

    A lot to take in I managed to change my order and got the same battery you've just mentioned. I've fitted battery and done the emergency key thing and all is well now reset my eas again and now she's booked in to use a ramp to look for a oil leak. Looks like oil pipe that fits near oil filter
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    P38A Air suspension newbie question and some other small niggles

    Ordered a commercial battery today 130amp 1000cca should do the trick
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    P38A Air suspension newbie question and some other small niggles

    Will have a look now. That's why I was going to get it plugged in and checked to get the fault codes properly read. Can your read the eas faults with rangie running otherwise it kills my battery
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    eas fault

    How do you gain better coms Eas is working for the time being fingers crossed just a electrical gremlin
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    eas fault

    I need someone to have a look this all jibberish to me
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    eas fault

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    eas fault

    Got it working thanks for your patience. Got a few codes Fl valve stuck open Fr valve stuck open Rl valve stuck open Rr valve stuck open Inlet valve stuck open Fb64 hidden Fb128 hidden Fr valve stuck closed Rl valve stuck closed Rr valve stuck closed
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    eas fault

    Plugged the eas lead I bought on to the rangie in the plug on passenger side under glove box opened software up on laptop but won't connect on any comm and them flashed up gearbox fault. Now I'm trying to find drivers for my USB to serial port adaptor as think that's the connection issue but no...
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    eas fault

    Just tried plug can't seem to get it working and now a gearbox fault has come up.not a good day help