
I recently bought a 4.0 v8 p38
And it's started to produce white smoke from exhaust uses a little water top up once a month.
I've Googled the symptoms and it says liners are head gasket. Before I go to a garage is their any tests I can do at home.

So far I've checked no gunk in oil cap no bubbles in expansion tank and heaters work fine.
If prolonged white a smoke one when driving I would do the full wallet test.
Aka avoid wife type creatr Manoouver.
You could get a hydrocarbon test done at a garage for not a lot of £ but it can be inconclusive.
If you have slipped a liner (lets hope not!) then the symptoms will be :
A metallic tap at piston speed, which will become apparent as the lump warms up - not to be confused with valve gear noise, which will be audible from cold & at half piston speed.
I did a snif test didn't show hg failure maybe cheap eBay kit who knows, mine was pressurising so bit the bullet and pulled the heads after I put fluro dye in my cooling system my engine oil glowed under UV light again no oil n water mixing evident or goo in engine oil filler cap

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You could get a hydrocarbon test done at a garage for not a lot of £ but it can be inconclusive.
If you have slipped a liner (lets hope not!) then the symptoms will be :
A metallic tap at piston speed, which will become apparent as the lump warms up - not to be confused with valve gear noise, which will be audible from cold & at half piston speed.

Touch wood no tapping yet was going to get her pressure tested while the garage hunt for a oil leak.

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