1. Mustbemental

    ebay - v8-3.5-automatic-remapped to 250bhp...apparently

    Yes but it only happens when you exhilarate hard!!!! :D:D
  2. Mustbemental

    Finally got one

    I noticed there are lots of them on there at the mo, maybe some one bought a job lot? :D The other ones on there are still in malta though aint they?
  3. Mustbemental

    LR S3 1983 88" 2.3 Petrol

    oooooh! I likes that a lot! Hang on while I check my bank balance
  4. Mustbemental

    Which one to buy???

    Ideal cheer buddy :D
  5. Mustbemental

    Finally got one

    's all good then :D ya git!
  6. Mustbemental

    Finally got one

    As honolulujoe said does he have all the documents and history for it? He was very short with me and wouldn't say if he had all the gumph to go with it to get it registered
  7. Mustbemental

    Finally got one

    That chap was very cagey about answering my questions about that vehicle!
  8. Mustbemental

    Which one to buy???

    Yeah I'm just the other side of ring wood :D
  9. Mustbemental

    Which one to buy???

    Here you go, hope the chappy won't mind me posting these here if he is on the forum :rolleyes: Needs and eggsauce and got a smoky engine
  10. Mustbemental

    Which one to buy???

    I'll try and pinch some pictures of it! Its in Wiltshire so a good hour and a half from me but closer than a lot of them
  11. Mustbemental

    Which one to buy???

    What do you reckon to this un? It's right at the top of what could afford at the mo but might be able to knock him down a few quids and its fairly close by too! Edit for "bugger the link won't work!" http://www.series2club.co.uk/forum/forum/index.php/topic,72175.msg663143.html#msg663143
  12. Mustbemental

    Which one to buy???

    No chance of me getting there sadly! :(
  13. Mustbemental

    Which one to buy???

    Was nice, bit to steep for what it was I think though
  14. Mustbemental

    What do you guys reckon to this

    Ask away :D
  15. Mustbemental

    What do you guys reckon to this

    Sadly I don't really have room to go tearing a landy apart :(
  16. Mustbemental

    I need a t-shirt

    Left one of works Bushnel trail cams on the passenger wing once, was sure I put it in the cab but couldn't find it when I got home........... When I re-traced my tracks I found it in about million bits on a round about, it must have been hit by every lorry and car that had gone over the round...
  17. Mustbemental

    What do you guys reckon to this

    Yup! well not spray, roller :D
  18. Mustbemental

    What do you guys reckon to this

    Nope no joke
  19. Mustbemental

    What do you guys reckon to this

    Nope! Do it all road side and leave the mess for the council to clean up :D