
Active Member
Serviced a few bits on the landy which included dropping the oil out of the transfer box.

I bought a nice shiny new clarke oil syringe from machine mart.
Just so you know as long as you push and pull slowly it does the job well.

I hung it from the windscreen gutter so it drained before I put it away.

Got giddy about wanting to take her out to see what differences my work had achieved.

On a slow tight right bend on a country road I heard the clatter of the my new syringe drop to the floor. I instantaneously knew what it was.
Thankfully it was ok........that was until a great lorry ran over it :eek:

Anyone else got the t-shirt?
I've left stuff on my rear bumper before now, a mug of tea made it to work alive! Along with a screwdriver and hammer, I'd gotten side tracked the night before and completely forgot :doh:
I put two 4.8m lengths of 4x2 timber on the roof rack, then got distracted before bungee-ing them on.
Surprisingley, I got about 6 miles down some country lanes, before they fell off and got run over by a following van.
I put two 4.8m lengths of 4x2 timber on the roof rack, then got distracted before bungee-ing them on.
Surprisingley, I got about 6 miles down some country lanes, before they fell off and got run over by a following van.

:eek: lucky they didn't go through the vans windscreen! Well, if he were driving close enough ;)
Put 2 8 x 4 sheets of 1" Polystyrene on the roof bars of the Mondeo, once. Got to 50mph before they self destructed & I remembered they were there :eek:
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Left one of works Bushnel trail cams on the passenger wing once, was sure I put it in the cab but couldn't find it when I got home...........

When I re-traced my tracks I found it in about million bits on a round about, it must have been hit by every lorry and car that had gone over the round about in the hour it took me to find it!
Plod came round to see me about summat back in the 80's & left walkie talkie on the roof of his panda car. I picked it up after he drove off & radio'd the station to let em know I had it. Look of relief on his face when he came back for it was great, But change of expression, on his face when I told him I'd radioed his station. Was to die for... :D :D
Was laning in Wales and driving alone saw a cup just like the one I had , resting on a rock ....fancy that , thinks I , what a coincidence that a cup exactly like mine should just happen to be in the middle of a lane in we drive for a few more miles til we have a pit stop. Frantic searching for my cup leads to the realisation that I'd been drinking coffee on last stop and had left it on lead landy's front bumper while I went for a wee. Cup I'd looked at on rock and driven past was mine :doh:
I used to have a bad habit of leaving things sitting on my rear step but God knows how even after numerous journeys on motorways and sometimes quite a few miles they've still been there
bundle of 22mm copper on the roof of my then sherpa van,forgot to tie them down,they come off in the town center mashed all the ends,i looked like a numpty ,thankfully it hit nobody
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Rear lifted a black cab with a spec lift Transit, phone was going mad so took another couple of jobs and took off to drop off the cab, whacked on the brakes at the first set of lights and bam the cab jumped out of the spec's and rammed the back of the Tranny, dropped it down and reloaded and checked for damage, small crack in the fog light, tough as nails them old black cabs, luckily for me
my mate forgot to get in his car before his dad towed it up the road for a bump start
lucky no one hurt

some of the lads at work (not me honest ) have left the diagnostic lap top on the back of a motor ,
One was left turned out in the rain for a day and at least two have been sent skidding down the road on a round about
A pump up garden sprayer is better than a syringe for filling transfer or gear box.
Just cut the end off the lance, fill the container, pump up and sqeeze the trigger to fill.
I used to have a bad habit of leaving things sitting on my rear step but God knows how even after numerous journeys on motorways and sometimes quite a few miles they've still been there

me too. especially nuts and washers.. they just seem to stay there
hubby left his mobile on my car n when i set off i promptly ran it over!! didn't know until he got to work day after thinking he'd left it there n one of the the lads had it all nicely flattened lol

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