1. marcus_payne

    Baffle off but how to replace straight pipe?

    yea sorry not sure why i put test:S haha so i do need some sorta scilencer then, any suggestions on what to replace it with? i dont realy want to replace with the same thing because it will just get damaged straight away.
  2. marcus_payne

    Baffle off but how to replace straight pipe?

    yea mines 1.8 we have tubo cars aswell but they have no exhausts haha but yea so a 1.8 is it too noisey to just have a pipe and no other scilencer because im no good at pipe bending and i have had a go ahha. but if i just fit a pipe in exactly the same place as the baffle will it pass a...
  3. marcus_payne

    Baffle off but how to replace straight pipe?

    well my baffle is pritty much buggerd it has taken major abuse from the rocks and stumps in tixover quarry, so i have decided to get rid of it. ive had a serch on the forum for the replacement of straight through rear pipes but no propper details are realy given as far as i can find. if i was...
  4. marcus_payne

    Is anyone happy with their 1.8 ?

    love my freelander 1.8 new from 2002 when my parents bought it (i bought it for £1000 off them) it has had no problems other than the exhaust rusting through and the occasional clonkin noise and its done 136,000 miles and drives great. :D even after 4 months playing rugby in south africa and it...
  5. marcus_payne

    Gearbox leak

    i first noticed a smell of burning oil comming from the car so had a look under it and there was some oil in the bottom of the engine tray so i investigated where it was comming from and it seems to be comming from where the gearbox linkage goes into the actual gearbox is it normal for any oil...
  6. marcus_payne

    Landrover Freelander Trouble

    mine were only firing on 3 plugs cus the coils were goin but not sure wev its got alot to do with the prob u have but every lil helps lol
  7. marcus_payne

    rear seats?

    ok thanks :D ill ave a go at that 2morrow cheers
  8. marcus_payne

    rear seats?

    yeep looks like them ther rite next to the normal screws lol sorry. i just need the seats out lol. cheers
  9. marcus_payne

    rear seats?

    ok this may well be a stupid question but how do i get the rear seats out as the interior is being chequerplate coverd so i can tern it into a van. ive tryed undoing the screws at the base of each foot but there seems tobe another 2 screws without a slot to be able to turn them with:confused...
  10. marcus_payne

    What's This ?????

    hmmm i ad a look at mine and nothing like that existed probs best just to leave it if the cars going ok
  11. marcus_payne

    Big Bang

    i had this the wirring noise came from the propshaft scraping the underside because the mountings had gone from the diff.
  12. marcus_payne

    gear selection difficult when hot

    mine was sorted wiv a new clutch kit
  13. marcus_payne

    Stiff gears

    well hes elped me a coupla times lol
  14. marcus_payne

    Engine tray

    has anyone fitted the celtic engine tray before? looks like i need one at the plastic try under mine has a lot of chunks missing! cheers
  15. marcus_payne

    Engine tray

    Celtic 4x4 Ltd just go to the main webby and on tthe left is an icon saying contact us :)
  16. marcus_payne

    Is this normal.

    mine doesnt come on at all! but i can tell the ABS still works as it is in frequent use hehe may b bulbs gone?
  17. marcus_payne

    HELP! funny brakes and service help in West Midlands

    is it jerky as if the ABS was cutting in or jerky as in lots of braking force then only slight breaking force if you get me. i had the first of the two before and it terned out that rear pads were worn and one caliper was slighty sticking (full off crud) and somehow made the abs sensor kik in...
  18. marcus_payne

    Freelander Faults poll

    rear subframe fell off :( then exhaust then rear bumper what a fun day that was haha 130,000k+ 1.8 still on factory head gasket :D
  19. marcus_payne

    Driving without viscous coupling?

    haha thankyou :D we do some track racing so 2 of emm are quite handy lol but the z4 as gon as well as the cart
  20. marcus_payne

    Driving without viscous coupling?

    think no is the obvious remark most will make hehe.