1. D

    Support the Fuel Protesters

    Theres another one. Can't put a sentence together without swearing. :(
  2. D

    Support the Fuel Protesters

    Whats a refinery got to do with voting online? I dont have a F.....g laptop, you did well!!
  3. D

    Support the Fuel Protesters

    Now theres an idea, Gordon Brown would have to stick another 10 taxes on anything that did'nt move, by the way Slob how much is diesel a litre in France? :)
  4. D

    Support the Fuel Protesters

    I see Slobs at it again, Mr Negativity, "we cant change anthing so lets all get walked on" He likes telling people to move abroad, maybe hes lonely in France and wants some company.:)
  5. D

    Fuel protest vote

    Theres another genius to add to the list.
  6. D

    TD5 noise

    Hi Phil, the running down noise as you say is from the centrifugal oil filter and is normal although apparently some cars do it and some dont, never noticed it on my Td5 Disco. The noise at low revs not sure about that, but no doubt someone with more knowledge will be along to help you.:)
  7. D

    Maintenance Advice

    Nice tip I am on my way to wd the filter, and poly bag it.:)
  8. D

    TD5 - 750 miles on one tankfull!

    Very good, have you done any mods, egr bypass or re map?:)
  9. D

    Fuel protest vote

    Its been like casting pearls amongst swine.:)
  10. D

    Fuel protest vote

    Thanks Slob, I am going to call it a day, no more bleating as you said.:(
  11. D

    Fuel protest vote

    Thanks for that useless comment, by the way your spelling is atrocious. You must keep wobbling that gob of yours though, its hilarious. ;)
  12. D

    Fuel protest vote

    So much for Land rover owners sticking together, totally negative replies from people who can only flap their gobs, instead of trying to do something about it.:confused:
  13. D

    Fuel protest vote

    Yes I see that its been on here before but that was in 2005, and fuel has risen sharply since. Also I have just paid £1.07p. litre I think thats about £4.86 gallon. So you are right it isnt £5 gallon yet. Anyway I thought everyone might have been for doing something rather than nothing about...
  14. D

    Fuel protest vote

    With attitudes of most of the above no wonder they charge us £5 gallon. Dont I read the posts, no not all of them, and if you do thats why you arent bothered about £5 a gallon, your never in your land rover .:)
  15. D

    Anyone Running a TD5 on Veg ????

    How much a gallon is bio out of interest is there much difference price wise and do you notice any difference in performance? I have not seen anywhere near me that sells it, is that significant?:) On a similar note you can register a vote against the high price of fuel that will be collected and...
  16. D

    Fuel protest vote

    Just been on a site called "fuel protest.com" where you can register a vote against the high tax on fuel in this country, and when collected they will be presented to Downing St. Seems we all have an interest in trying to bring down the criminal price of fuel, 70% tax on a gallon, it should be...
  17. D

    series transplant

    I am toying with the idea of buying a series Land rover diesel and putting a 200 tdi engine in it, for a project but also to use as a run around. Is this transplant possible and is it fairly straight forward, what would I need and what mods would need doing? Am thinking of buying a pre 1973...
  18. D

    egr removal

    I know this is nothing new but I am going to fit the egr blanking plate to my Td5 so I can get one from e bay for under a tenner, but Td5 Alive sell them with another pipe fitting but they are £50 is there any difference, and if I use the e bay gear what happens to the pipework with the valve in...
  19. D

    Got a disco at last!!!!!!

    Hello and welcome to the club, you will have a great time in your Td5 especially with the winter coming up, watch those car drivers struggle to find traction in snow and ice.Great all round vehicle, enjoy it. :)
  20. D

    P38 or Td5

    Hi Phil. mine is a 2002 es model and the es spec is well worth having, all leather all electric,brilliant tourer and great for towing.. Would suit you down to the ground. Also reading the previous thread about autos mine is a manual which is a bit better on juice but at £5 gallon it helps...