
New Member
Just been on a site called "fuel protest.com" where you can register a vote against the high tax on fuel in this country, and when collected they will be presented to Downing St. Seems we all have an interest in trying to bring down the criminal price of fuel, 70% tax on a gallon, it should be illegal. Anyone interested can vote on the above website.:)
Just been on a site called "fuel protest.com" where you can register a vote against the high tax on fuel in this country, and when collected they will be presented to Downing St. Seems we all have an interest in trying to bring down the criminal price of fuel, 70% tax on a gallon, it should be illegal. Anyone interested can vote on the above website.:)

winge winge winge gerra push bike
breathe in your tank and run it on all th hot air your sprouting.
anyway it's not 70% tax. If it was it would be 70% of say 30p a litre, so an extra 21p a litre.

So it's more like a 200% tax. Nice work if you can get it.
With attitudes of most of the above no wonder they charge us £5 gallon. Dont I read the posts, no not all of them, and if you do thats why you arent bothered about £5 a gallon, your never in your land rover .:)
4.546 Ltrs = 1 gall Diesel @ £1.01 (Uk Average) = £4.59 It int reached a fiver yet.
yer int gonna change gov policy with yer silly petitions. if you really really want to do something about it you'll have to get yer arse into no 10. so get campaigning fer the next erection and we'll all vote fer yer.
Yes I see that its been on here before but that was in 2005, and fuel has risen sharply since. Also I have just paid £1.07p. litre I think thats about £4.86 gallon. So you are right it isnt £5 gallon yet. Anyway I thought everyone might have been for doing something rather than nothing about it. I will speak about fuel no more then gents.:confused:
Do what?? I can't believe that in this day and age People actually think that they can change things. The 2 largest protests ever held were the polltax protest and the stop the gulf war coalition. did it make any difference? Did it bollix. all this boycott BP and ESSO buy your fuel from tesco's/asda. Where do you think Tesco/Asda buy their fuel from. Not the Pavee Fairies cos I asked them last night and they denied all knowledge.
FFS !:rolleyes:

When i wer a lad down't pit, yer cud git yersen arf dozen woodbines an pint o beer an still av enuff change frum sixpunce t git the bus ome!;)
Or the Price of wisky jeez thats over £100 a gallon. If I were a jockanese I'd be painting me face blue and burnin York to the ground.

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