So much for Land rover owners sticking together, totally negative replies from people who can only flap their gobs, instead of trying to do something about it.:confused:
So much for Land rover owners sticking together, totally negative replies from people who can only flap their gobs, instead of trying to do something about it.:confused:

most of us are sticking together. wur all positive yer pertition is a waste of time

the replys are far from negative.. wur all positive yer daft pertition is a waste of time

you're the one flapin yer gob, as....wur all positive yer pertition is a waste of time

the only way yer gonna change it is to get yer fat lazy arse into no 10.. but yer wint cos yer rather bitch and moan about it than do something POSITIVE
Thanks for that useless comment, by the way your spelling is atrocious. You must keep wobbling that gob of yours though, its hilarious. ;)
Thanks for that useless comment, by the way your spelling is atrocious. You must keep wobbling that gob of yours though, its hilarious. ;)
would yer be meaning my spelling is a/ savagely cruel or b/ heinously wicked.

or as i suspect, you are using atrocious in a way that isn't stricly correct?
either way yer still a **** if you think the gov will take notice of your or anyone elses peRtition.

and while i'm at it whats is so useless about informing you that the only way you will change anything you want changing is by getting into N°10?

or are you just gonna keep bleating on and on ?

the horse is dead stop flogging it
Ere Slob, Dont you live in France, are the common people of france not averse to a mass protest or two?. and do they not sometimes get their own way?.
I know this subject has been mauled to death but why shouldnt we get upset about things like this...
I was in USA in 2000 and the fuel price hit $1 a gallon in Ohio and the whole state went on strike..bugger me the price went back down sharpish...:eek:
because it dint work in the uk either because not enough folk come out or more likely the mp's dint give a **** what the population thinks.
Any how sposing you did get them to reduce the amount of tax on fuel Where would that leave us eh I ask yer where would that leave us. Well I'll tell yer it'll leave us with even less money fer ospitals an the NHS an things. So what would they do eh,they'd have to increase your NI an the tax on yer wages an yer council tax an things. Where do yer think the money goes, some might end up lining politicians arse pockets but the rest goes back into the community, if it does end up being given to migrant workers wot can't get work, it's that wot you should be campaigning against an if your sucksessfull then they'll be able to reduce the tax on fuel. But they won't cos they've got to recoup the lost tax from fags cos winters coming an people'll be getting ****ed of with going outside to smoke an so won't smoke as much. Any how I need a ****e an I'm boring myself cos this is a load of bollocks.

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