1. N

    series 2 hybrid

    It's the little ones you have to watch. They bite yer ankles.
  2. N

    series 2 hybrid

    If you use a different chassis you may run foul of those nice registration people.( unless someone knows different) You may end up with an illegal vehicle & all the problems with insurance claims etc & we all know how eager insurance companys are to pay out.
  3. N

    Series 2 hard top swb wanted

    I'm looking for a hard top for a series 2 swb in good nick. In the essex or there abouts area. With a door if poss. Anyone got one they'd sell ?
  4. N

    major major major major chassis repair (major) :)

    Been close to that a lot of times.I've got hairy ears (no rude remarks please) & i hear the hair crackling in there sometimes. One of the blokes at work was cutting overhead (oxy)& a large blob of molten metal went down his neck. He leaned forward to try to minimise burns & it ran down into his...
  5. N

    major major major major chassis repair (major) :)

    If you keep the arc v/short you shouldn't get that (much)
  6. N

    major major major major chassis repair (major) :)

    Contrary to common belief overhead welding is not difficult. The main secret is to keep a short arc. Vertical welding is more of a challenge than overhead.
  7. N

    and early Series 2s MOT exempt

    I reckon if you've got a duff vehicle, chances are your'e more likely to be a duff driver. Insurance co's might even insist on an engineers report. That'd sting in the wallet department. Think i'd stick to a uninforced MOT. Having said that, my tractor (1949 david brown) is mot exempt. Every...
  8. N

    Canvas tilt care ?

    Thanks fellas. I'll have a look for some. cheers
  9. N

    Canvas tilt care ?

    Thanks fellas, What is fabsil i've never heard of it. what form does it come in? How do you apply lanolin?
  10. N

    Canvas tilt care ?

    My series 2 swb has a canvas tilt (nice quality one) It's going to live outside this winter & i was wondering if anyone can give me advice on how to keep it in good nick. any ideas ?
  11. N

    Hello, very young, very inexperienced but wanting to learn

    Don't take any notice of this lot they're all nuts. In fact i'm the only sane one here.Ha ha ha ha he he he he he he woof woof woof woof grrrr. :rolleyes:
  12. N

    How much for a grille ?

    Not sure i havn't got it back here yet. I'm rearanging vehicles trailers etc trying to make room.
  13. N

    A section for fabricated stuff

    I agree, I spend a fair bit of time on welding & projects etc. One advantage of being retired. Be nice to have somewhere to stick em. (don't think i'm pushing my luck do you?)
  14. N

    How much for a grille ?

    I,ve got a series 3 grille on my series 2 thats obviously what happened. Wondered why.
  15. N

    How much for a grille ?

    Sorry to hear about your grille. I sometimes think the worlds full of thieving bastards. I have to remind myself that most people are decent honest folk. I hope the thieving git dies of something nasty.
  16. N

    drop plates for towbars

    Mines only 500yds away
  17. N

    A section for fabricated stuff

    Very nice job.--do you have to sit under the bonnet to steer?
  18. N


    me too
  19. N

    drop plates for towbars

    I made a drop plate for my pick up from 1/2 inch x 6 inch flat bar. Strong enough without reinforcing. Get your local steel suppliers to cut the length you need. Drill your own holes or get them to do it. My suppliers had an offcut the right length £2.
  20. N

    Sas pink

    You sure the purple panthers weren't pink ? I'm getting confused:rolleyes: