1. M

    Why did you buy a disco!!

    Personally, it was because I wanted something capable off road and a comfortable over long distance. I got a D1, virtually zero electronics and keeps on going.
  2. M

    100" hybrid

    Looks like quite a bit of work, but well worth it. Are you sure the budget will be enough.
  3. M

    Oil leak round injectors

    I have something very similar, so keen to understand from others what the cause is.
  4. M

    Split charging

    Many thanks for the idea, I can see now that what I want to do requires a bit more thought. Maybe there's a way to switch off the charging of the winch battery and allow the caravan battery to charge. Think I'll get the pen and paper out and start drawing.
  5. M

    Split charging

    I did, "charging three batteries" and similar does not yield the answer. Shame, I thought help was what the forum was about, not for scoring points :behindsofa:
  6. M

    Split charging

  7. M

    Split charging

    Good point on the alternator. Ta. Best wait for best advice.
  8. M

    Split charging

    I have a new t-max system on order. I am going to fit a second under bonnet battery and use this to charge it. I also tow a caravan and want charge that battery as well. Can I do it with the t-max system or do i need to get another cheap split system for that ? Just trying to keep wiring...
  9. M

    Alarm sounding when driving along !

    Ahhh, that old chestnut:rolleyes:
  10. M

    Alarm sounding when driving along !

    No, no lights were flashing :confused:
  11. M

    Alarm sounding when driving along !

    Today the alarm on my 98 D1 V8 started sounding on and off, uneven sounds, as I was driving along:eek: The thing is it was only the other day that I noticed the plug had been pulled off the siren by the previous owner so I reconnected and all seemed fine, locking and unlocking ok. Maybe this...
  12. M

    Loosing Coolant Internally Discovery 2004 4.0 v8

    Good decision. Shame about the service though.
  13. M

    ive seen the light and heard the noise

    Nothing wrong with lpg if you've got it well set up.
  14. M

    Rad upgrades/ bigger replacement?!

    IMHO you'd be wasting your money as custom alloy ones are very expensive. I had one made for my cobra which had a Chevy small block in it which was running a Rover rad and it cost me about £400 8 years ago! Get a quality replacement and spend your money on some other goodies.
  15. M

    Rad upgrades/ bigger replacement?!

    Why would you need a bigger one, they are more than adequate for cooling a small v8 like a rover, even the 4.6 / 5.0 ones.:confused:
  16. M

    time to change fluids :) but lpg idle probs :(

    I've had several LPG v8s and in my experience they are every bit as reliable as when running on petrol. If yours is running fine on petrol then that's an indication that all the sensors etc are working fine. I would first make sure the LPG system has been serviced and set up. On my last d2...
  17. M

    Loosing Coolant Internally Discovery 2004 4.0 v8

    Oh, and welcome to the forum - tons of knowledge here.
  18. M

    Loosing Coolant Internally Discovery 2004 4.0 v8

    The block is alloy and they bore it out to press fit a liner. In the early days of the rover v8, the block moulds were new and the liners were thick as they were 3.5s. As the moulds got older the water jackets moved. As the engine size increased the liners got thinner. So when they bored out...
  19. M

    Practical experience of 85 profile tyres

    That's encouraging to hear, thanks for the info.:)
  20. M

    Practical experience of 85 profile tyres

    It is, thanks. Must admit I'm tending towards the advice to keep the standard 235x70x16 ATs for towing and getting what I fancy for play times.