1. D

    Hi new girl on the block

    It's easy to abuse people that you can't see, I'm quite confident none of you would be so brave with strangers if you were in the same room. It's easy being a hard man when you're sat on your own isn't it, I don't think those who genuinely are would be quite so loud about it. Sad, sad men.... I...
  2. D

    Hi new girl on the block

    I think you've missed the point of the help section in the forum, you should ask an adult to explain it to you. I'm not putting myself into a victim situation, I don't need to, I'm comfortable in believeing that I was right to say something.
  3. D

    Hi new girl on the block

    No I'm not a social worker or remotely left wing. I'm far from perfect, believe it.
  4. D

    Hi new girl on the block

    Yeah but when you've got no life, smiling is a pastime as well as other things for the likes of you
  5. D

    Hi new girl on the block

    You really are a big man eh?
  6. D

    Hi new girl on the block

    Hey if you can;t beat them....? Now I'm worried, you probably are attracted to me seeing as your a c**t?
  7. D

    Hi new girl on the block

    I'm not Welsh. I was right about the bullying though, now someone has stood up to you, the 'gang' is getting itself together, all it's members hiding behind their keyboards throwing insults at someone who is not trying to inflict a utopian vision of a forum onto anyone, merely asking that the...
  8. D

    Hi new girl on the block

    I don't call 'now you've had your help show us your tits' as a mild joke, it's just wrong. I'm not fussed if it was a spit the dummy thread either cos she didn't get immedfiate help, just ignore the thread if you don't want to help her. I'm not perfect but I like to help people of I can and if I...
  9. D

    Hi new girl on the block

    I am a very light hearted person if you get to know me but I can't abide that sort of nonsense. It will only drive users away from what could be classed as the best Landie forum on the net. The newbies will rarely defend themselves against bullies with thousands of posts and I expect that a lack...
  10. D

    Hi new girl on the block

    Hi MHM, I don't want to be pedantic, I've redirected plenty of newbies recently to the relevant section and encouraged use of search facilities etc to know where a post should be. I don't really think that that is the issue and I am certain you are not suggesting that just because she posted her...
  11. D

    Hi new girl on the block

    I'm not your sunshine, I don't profess to read her mind, I'm saying I wouldn't blame her if she felt that way. There is a place on the site for that stuff where people go with fair warning to take whatever comes. That place is not in the welcome section. Thanks for the spell check.
  12. D

    New Here!, Hey everyone,

    Welcome, enjoy your Disco!
  13. D

    Hi new girl on the block

    No I certainly don't mean you, your response was what you would hope for as a newbie, hence my referral to a lot of enthusiasts and not 'all', I wouldn't want to include myself or the genuinely helpful forum members in the neanderthol bullsh**. Unfortunately, there seem to be too many on here...
  14. D

    Hi Guys, Yet another newbie

    Welcome and good luck!
  15. D

    Hello everyone!

    Welcome and good luck!
  16. D

    New on here

    Welcome and good luck, get some pics posted along the way
  17. D

    Hi new girl on the block

    What a bunch of idiots, fair enough if it was in the anything goes section but responding to a new user in need of help in that manner in this section is appalling. Now she probably thinks that not only are Landies crap (unfairly) but so are a lot of the enthusiasts (fair for her to assume).
  18. D

    Hi New to the forum!!! Shrek AKA lawrence

    Welcome and good luck, you've picked a good un to start with (the Disco I mean) :)
  19. D

    Hello all

    Welcome to the forum Tom. Brace yourself for some stick (Freelander owners are a soft target for some) but if you have thick skin you'll be fine. Enjoy your Landy and check your coolant and engine oil more frequently than once a week, your head gasket will go regardless of how well the job was...
  20. D

    hello and HELP!

    No idea, sorry. I think you need an auto electrician