I don't call 'now you've had your help show us your tits' as a mild joke, it's just wrong. I'm not fussed if it was a spit the dummy thread either cos she didn't get immedfiate help, just ignore the thread if you don't want to help her. I'm not perfect but I like to help people of I can and if I can't, it's preferrable to guide them to the right place to get help as that is what we would all want if we needed help as much as she obviously did. This forum is no-one's personal play thing. I reiterate that it reflects on all users badly when one person posts abuse like that which was posted earlier and I stand by that.

kinell, you really must be a boring old fart.:(
I'm not Welsh. I was right about the bullying though, now someone has stood up to you, the 'gang' is getting itself together, all it's members hiding behind their keyboards throwing insults at someone who is not trying to inflict a utopian vision of a forum onto anyone, merely asking that the crap stays in the anything goes section, for surely, that is why it was created and let those who wish to help the newbies do so. You wouldn't be happy if you went to Citizen's Advice and a poster on the wall stated that you would be assisted and then verbally abused afterwards would you?

You are taking the forum to seriously mate.
Hey if you can;t beat them....? Now I'm worried, you probably are attracted to me seeing as your a c**t?

Donkey raping cock master so I have been told before-I personally guarantee I will still be smiling when your ****ed right off with it all.
Donkey raping cock master so I have been told before-I personally guarantee I will still be smiling when your ****ed right off with it all.

Yeah but when you've got no life, smiling is a pastime as well as other things for the likes of you
I don't call 'now you've had your help show us your tits' as a mild joke, it's just wrong. I'm not fussed if it was a spit the dummy thread either cos she didn't get immedfiate help, just ignore the thread if you don't want to help her. I'm not perfect but I like to help people of I can and if I can't, it's preferrable to guide them to the right place to get help as that is what we would all want if we needed help as much as she obviously did. This forum is no-one's personal play thing. I reiterate that it reflects on all users badly when one person posts abuse like that which was posted earlier and I stand by that.

Are you a social worker by any chance.
You say your "not perfect" I find that really hard to believe. And Storm's show us your tits line, I thought was pure Benny Hill.
I'm not Welsh. I was right about the bullying though, now someone has stood up to you, the 'gang' is getting itself together, all it's members hiding behind their keyboards throwing insults at someone who is not trying to inflict a utopian vision of a forum onto anyone, merely asking that the crap stays in the anything goes section, for surely, that is why it was created and let those who wish to help the newbies do so. You wouldn't be happy if you went to Citizen's Advice and a poster on the wall stated that you would be assisted and then verbally abused afterwards would you?

I agree about the bullying- will you please stop trying to bully us into your way of thinking.
People defending their actions are a "'gang getting itself together, all it's members hiding behind their keyboards throwing insults":confused::confused: You're just trying to make yourself a victim and play the sympathy card, won't work.
This is Landyzone not the citizens advice, we are not obliged to give anyone advice.
Are you a social worker by any chance.
You say your "not perfect" I find that really hard to believe. And Storm's show us your tits line, I thought was pure Benny Hill.

No I'm not a social worker or remotely left wing. I'm far from perfect, believe it.
Yeah but when you've got no life, smiling is a pastime as well as other things for the likes of you

seriously- you don't want to do it, many have tried and none have succeeded:D

But If you feel your lucky-you can provide the entertainment
I agree about the bullying- will you please stop trying to bully us into your way of thinking.
People defending their actions are a "'gang getting itself together, all it's members hiding behind their keyboards throwing insults":confused::confused: You're just trying to make yourself a victim and play the sympathy card, won't work.
This is Landyzone not the citizens advice, we are not obliged to give anyone advice.

I think you've missed the point of the help section in the forum, you should ask an adult to explain it to you.
I'm not putting myself into a victim situation, I don't need to, I'm comfortable in believeing that I was right to say something.
I think you've missed the point of the help section in the forum, you should ask an adult to explain it to you.
I'm not putting myself into a victim situation, I don't need to, I'm comfortable in believeing that I was right to say something.

I too am comfortable in saying your swimming in the wrong direction- take the hint LRO is the place for you.

off as I said at 9pm, but if your still here when I get back- we can play insults:D
No I'm not a social worker or remotely left wing. I'm far from perfect, believe it.

Well bloody hell your acting like one, you've been a member of this here forum almost 4 years, and all of a sudden you don't agree with the way people talk to noobs. As far as I am aware the members around these parts have been abusing noobs for quite some time, I have had my fair share and have managed to get over it without psychological damage. I think what i'm trying to say is if you don't like it............, JOG ON,;););)
gratch we know it was you who was oh so not pc :D:D:D

Ahh, the recognition I richly deserve:D

Oooooh, the insults and fighting talk are starting:D

Hey if you can;t beat them....? Now I'm worried, you probably are attracted to me seeing as your a c**t?

You really are a big man eh?

I think you've missed the point of the help section in the forum, you should ask an adult to explain it to you.
I'm not putting myself into a victim situation, I don't need to, I'm comfortable in believeing that I was right to say something.
Where's the help section?
Hey! Guess what?! I am comfortable in believing that I was right to say something as well.
Tony, thanks for the entertainment, but the second bottle of Chablis has started to kick in and i can't be arsed to continue. But will call back later to see if your still a knob.

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