1. H

    parts help please :)

    I did Google that Nathan I'm not a complete imbecile but am not sure exactly what I'm looking for or what's a good price hence me asking for help, thanks for the input though much appreciated (please feel free to pick up on my sarcasm there). Teddy it might be that I'll have to ask my dad to...
  2. H

    parts help please :)

    Hi again, so i need a few parts to get my freelander mot ready, namely the bottom arm ball joiints and the anti roll bar bushes, could one of you lovely people please point me in the right direction to buy these parts online for a decent price? direct links much appreciated, or if you cant be...
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    hey folks think Ive been had help!!

    worse news :'( my clutch went today had to call rac out who delivered me swiftly to my garage. looks like the master and slave cylinders have gone. I could cry. The rac guy tells me best case im looking at 200 plus labour worst case if clutch needs replaced aswell im looking at 500-700 plus...
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    Good lr garage fred

    Mann automotive in laurencekirk aberdeenshire any friends i have with 4x4 vehicles all recommended this garage to me and I found him to be honest and great value.
  5. H

    Sunroof Fix

    My sunroof is also a non worker apparently the fuse has been removed, however I find with the back window open I don't really need it :D
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    hey folks think Ive been had help!!

    No answer from said numpty no, however I've taken it to my local land specialist turns out that yes the pad is sticky but isn't the cause of the noise, the drive shaft is booked, as are the bottom arm ball joints and the anti roll bar bushes. I've emailed the seller to no avail and also tried...
  7. H

    hey folks think Ive been had help!!

    OK, so the news so far seems to be good, I have tried contacting the seller he is not however, answering either of his phones, but I took it to my local 4x4 specialist garage and after an initial look on the ramps he has concluded that it is not the ird (thank fook) however the brake pad...
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    hey folks think Ive been had help!!

    I bought it for £1100, and i bought it with those things missing as im not a mechanic and stupidly assumed that the person was being honest in his reasons for taking off the 4wd, it sounded entirely plausible. however i have learnt my lesson and wont be buying anything again without a huge pile...
  9. H

    hey folks think Ive been had help!!

    I just went on to the site I found the freelander on, and found the seller advertising viscous couplings and the prop shaft mounts which he states were meant to go on his freelander but it turned put to be the ird so he turned it into a 2 wd, what does this mean? He clearly didn't think about me...
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    hey folks think Ive been had help!!

    Thanks again folks, I've a feeling I may become a regular on here if I end up keeping it lol the bloody thing is spotless too inside and out looks like a brand new freelander. It just bothers me about peoples ease of being dishonest, if I sell a car to someone I always tell the truth even if it...
  11. H

    hey folks think Ive been had help!!

    Thanks all for the help, I'm going to approach the seller tomorrow after taking the freelander to a garage to figure out just how expensive it will be to fix. I'm not a happy bunny >:(
  12. H

    hey folks think Ive been had help!!

    does that link cover private sales also? as this was a private sale :( thanks by the way and i shall refrain from usng the j word again lol
  13. H

    hey folks think Ive been had help!!

    hi there my name is helen and ive now been the owner of my freelander for roughly 6 days, i feel ive been done over though and wonder if anyone can help. I bought an r reg freelander diesel, i was informed by the seller that it had a 2wd conversion as it handled better, used less fuel and tyre...