
New Member
hi there my name is helen and ive now been the owner of my freelander for roughly 6 days, i feel ive been done over though and wonder if anyone can help. I bought an r reg freelander diesel, i was informed by the seller that it had a 2wd conversion as it handled better, used less fuel and tyre tread. After my somewhat jetlagged dad (he'd flown back from oz the previous night) had a quick once over he said he couldnt see any problems, took it for a test drive thought it was fine. Day 2 an annoying ticking noise occcured until you took your foot off the accelerator/depressed the clutch. This annoying ticking on day 6 has turned into a rather nasty sounding clunk every time you remove your foot from the accelerator/release the clutch, there is also a rotary noise accompanying said clunk. In case you hadnt noticed im not mechanically minded so the above terms are clearly not the technical ones lol. Basically im wondering is there something in my description that sounds familiar or any advice? My mechanic dad has now bugered off to angola and wont be back till september so cant even ask his help :( I figure that the guy that sold it to me knew what he was doing and im pretty hacked off, i would actually like to drive said jeep through his windows at the moment!!
read this as it sound like you got a knacker, oh and welcome to lz. (and don't call it a jeep , it's a gaylander )
Always suspect when the rear drive is removed, usually due to Diff or IRD failure caused by a knackered VCU. Have a look using the search box and you will find plenty of advice. My advice would be to find the toe rag who sold it to you and try and get a refund (if a dealer) if he's not a dealer then you will probably be facing a very expensive repair.
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Yes - unfortunately you have been well and truly cheated.

OK - it's missing a few bits - prop-shafts and the VCU with its support bearings - where are these bits now?

Get on to the seller and tell him / her that you want to convert it back to 4X4.

Demand your money back - or the parts / bits / cash to return it to four wheel drive.

I feel for you.
Brought my landy and had engine terminally blow up 1hr from sellers hse.
Wish i only had the issue you have right now.
does that link cover private sales also? as this was a private sale :( thanks by the way and i shall refrain from usng the j word again lol
take it back ,you have rights as a consumer and it's a knacker and you don't want it fixing,get the money back and find a good one. the crock of sh*t link will be very helpful .
take it back ,you have rights as a consumer and it's a knacker and you don't want it fixing,get the money back and find a good one. the crock of sh*t link will be very helpful .
If it's a private sale then you have no rights (buyer beware)
If it's a private sale then you have no rights (buyer beware)
I think you may be right, I thought it was from trade . still aproach the seller and ask for a refund, he might be civil about it ,the worst he can say is no.
on a side note you may have cause for a small claims case as it's well known that the 2wd conversion is just a way of hiding the fact that it's broken.
Bull****e. At the very least the seller is in breach of contract. or has sold an item that is not fit for purpose..
Sorry not bull****e, you have no contract with a private sale only with a trader.
You can try going to the County Court (used to be called small claims) but the chance of getting any money back is virtually nil and you also have the expense of taking out the court case in the first place. Trading Standards have no interest in a private sale only with a trader.
Before cursing your luck Helen, see if you can find a friendly mechanic to give the car a once over, then go from there. It does seem as if the seller was being slightly dishonest, so maybe there is some recourse.
Thanks all for the help, I'm going to approach the seller tomorrow after taking the freelander to a garage to figure out just how expensive it will be to fix. I'm not a happy bunny :mad:
Thanks all for the help, I'm going to approach the seller tomorrow after taking the freelander to a garage to figure out just how expensive it will be to fix. I'm not a happy bunny :mad:
Perhaps taking a few large friends with you when you visit the seller may help:)
Good luck, let us know what happens.
Thanks again folks, I've a feeling I may become a regular on here if I end up keeping it lol the bloody thing is spotless too inside and out looks like a brand new freelander. It just bothers me about peoples ease of being dishonest, if I sell a car to someone I always tell the truth even if it means losing a few pennies :(
Usually part ex, saves all the agro and never sell to friends or relatives as they usually expect a lifetime guarantee and free servicing :)
Hi Helen,

I'm pretty new around here too, and I feel for you. However, I've got no doubt that a decent mechanic will help you discover the Freelander's hidden potential and I'm sure that before long you'll be a clued up and determined Freebie owner from sticking around here ;).

You may even get the mech bug yourself, learning how to service it (very easy) will save you hundreds and brings a special kind of satisfaction. You may even want to go a little deeper. I would reccomend you pick up the Hayne's Manual which will help you to understand the ins and outs.

Don't give up! Knowlege is power, but I think when applied to cars it's more like knowlege is courage :).

See you around.

Hi Helen, whereabouts are you? Some kind soul off here may pop round and be able to give you an opinion on how bad it is for a cup of tea and bacon sandwich/slice of cake! Just a thought? When I was looking there seemed to be loads "converted" to 2wd for various reasons (excuses) they just rang alarm bells. I personally would've bought one but only if it was cheap enough for the saving to put it right! W

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