1. Down Under Drover


    You can always use marine carpet, the super short and bristly stuff. just glues on and is a great insulator too. Got it all through the back o' me shorty and it looks grand too. Gorilla grip glue does the trick and if it won't come unstuck in a place that gets down to 5 below at night and nigh...
  2. Down Under Drover

    New S3 owner

    m'fraid it's a lost cause old chap, these fellows don't even DRINK by the pint and worship the Toyota Landcruiser for some unknown reason. I spend a lot of time with Cruisers, usually with them firmly attached to my snatchem strap as I pull the blighted things off the beach! (Just out of...
  3. Down Under Drover

    New S3 owner

    HEH, You wouldn't believe it!! - I was actually born and bred with Imperial! did my time as an Aircraft fitter, in Imperial.....then moved down here and am now a thoroughly sad bastard who uses Kilometers and calls football soccer, which used to make me CRINGE evry time I heard it.....BUT.... I...
  4. Down Under Drover

    Salisbury Differential Dilema

    CharlesY - SPOT ON - I pulled the plate off again and there is deffo a small amount of movement in the pinion - BUGGER! - Didn't check for that first time, was just too relieved to see crownwheel intact with no tooth damage. Ah well, we live and learn, (usually the hard way!) Many thanks Kris
  5. Down Under Drover

    New S3 owner

    Have driven mine 1876 (yep, that's one thousand eight hundred and seventy six) kilometers up to Newman in the NW of Western Aus AND back the 1876 km's again,(20 hours each way) without so much as a flat tyre. The last 6 hours driving up and first 6 back out were in conditions you would only...
  6. Down Under Drover

    My RR judders when you hit a pot hole...

    Be inclined to check out tie rod ends. The traction control issue might not be causative and could be due to something else. I had the same symptoms in a 109 some years ago and it was a tie rod that was flogged out and just shook all over the show. Just a thought.....
  7. Down Under Drover

    Salisbury Differential Dilema

    G'Day Landyites, HEEEEELP!- After retreiving what was left of my filler plug from INSIDE the diff housing, and spending an hour with a magnet and degreaser attempting to remove all the lovely sharp shiny bits of metal and the fuzzy little ones, I was quite satisfied that there was no damage...
  8. Down Under Drover


    G'Day Bodgit0 0 Yep, he sure does. Mainly from UK to Aus, but a few back the other way. Anything in particular you need, I have a mountain of S1 parts, and have access to many more. Cheers Kris
  9. Down Under Drover


    G'Day to the similarly afflicted:D erm... tyres, out of interest, what sort of money do 16 x 7.50' s go for new in the UK these days. I am running on a set of re-capped Avon's at present, which flat spot overnight and area bugger for the first 10 kms before they get warm and go 'round'...
  10. Down Under Drover

    Keeping a Series

    Take your rotor arm out, won't get far without it!!. It will of course only deter the opportunist thief! When i lived in the city (Perth, Western Australia), which ha=d a HUGE car theft problem, I used to let my pet python (yes, as a matter of fact I DID call him Monty!!) wrap himself around...
  11. Down Under Drover

    Original or Modified??

    Cheers Gents, Clivees, I think you hit the nail on the head and summarised what we are all feeling when you say "you can keep to the spirit." And I believe it is precisely theis 'spirit' that makes Series, and Landies in general, so much fun, so addictive and so much better than 'the rest'...
  12. Down Under Drover

    Original or Modified??

    Alrighty.... I am interested to hear how many of you prefer basically 'original' as in un-modified series vehicles, and how many are into chucking upgraded seats and suspension and interior etc etc into your Landy. Me personally, I have kept the Wagon dead original, other than to paint it...
  13. Down Under Drover

    So What is it with Series landies

    just because! I can't imagine ANYTHING else. I have ALWAYS had a series, usually a few at any given time, there is just something addictive about them. THey are so damned robust, so absolutely unbreakable, so built to last and last and last. I love the old Landy slogan - "Land Rover...
  14. Down Under Drover

    Magazine Dissapointment

    G'Day folks, Considering that I live around t'other side of the world, pretty much the main 'contact' I have had with the Landy World has been through magazines, particularly one dedicated to 'Owners' of Land Rovers, (without mentioning names!!) I have become increasingly dissapointed on...
  15. Down Under Drover

    Battery lead query

    G'Day Dave, Nothing at all special about it. ANY car parts shop would stock a suitable lead, you just need to tell them exactly what it is for as they have to provide something capable of handling the amp (Current) draw. It'll take about 5 minutes to remove and re-fit. Cheers Kris
  16. Down Under Drover

    Serious rattles and vibration. Help

    UJ replacement need not be expensive. I run a hydraulic workshop, but we also do a lot of ag, being in a farming region, and uqite regularly do UJ's on Series vehicles. A pair of crosses cost $32.80AUD and approx 1 hours labour to fit, - just over $100AUD or approx 38 quid I believe.
  17. Down Under Drover

    27 and still haven't got my Defender.

    Geez!, I'm 36 and still haven't got a 110 !!! Still, I love playing Series!! We are extremely fortunate out here in Aus, because rust is not a factor. There are still thousands of Series vehicles around being driven daily that are rust free and original. The biggest bummer out here is that...
  18. Down Under Drover

    LandyZone Car Stickers

    I'll be in it for a few too. Well 5 I spose :-) Cheers.
  19. Down Under Drover

    G'Day from a Land Down Under

    Not quite!! - I'm out West, we're 2 hours behind the Eastern States, although its a dark as the proverbial. presently 19:12. Just finished washing the County down after a beach trek. Drove for 16km through some horribly soft / deep sand. Out of the 3 vehicles to set off, We were the only one to...
  20. Down Under Drover

    G'Day from a Land Down Under

    G'Day from Western Australia! I am a Landy loony from as far back as I care to remember. I live in a remote part of Western Australia, with some of Aussies best off roading literally on our doorstep. Presently driving a restored 1982 109" SIII County Wagon (12 seater), a leafer and...