1. L

    2.5dse Fuel problem when starting

    Where is non return valve located? Dave
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    2.5dse Fuel problem when starting

    Right here is the latest glitch on my rangy. when left the fuel sometimes drains back into the tank (the fuel line is clear tube so it can be seen with no fuel in it) it then takes awhile cranking to re prime the injector pump but starts ok (new heater plugs) only happens 50% of the time and...
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    Slow Riser!

    Hi Mine did exactly the same eventually found it was an air bag leak that you could only hear at certain heights also to start didnt go down over night but got worse. new bag of ebay 60 odd quid and took 10 mins to fit now goes up and down quick as a flash.
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    P38 over heat.

    I had head gasket go between 2 cyls and and catch water line so only sympton was losing water but then went pop big time so be careful
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    P38 wont start

    Try new batteries in keyfob as this sometimes happens if they are down
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    EBC Greens

    most cheap stuff is the orig cyanoacrylate but more expensive or specialist stuff can be (it was originally used as a substitute for stiches in medical operations and cost £50 per 10g bottle in the sixties so was like gold and the water content of the human body dissolved it away after some...
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    EBC Greens

    super glue is not designed to be water resistant so will fall apart soon
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    98 RR SE Wont Start

    There is also a known issue with P38 imobiliser and mobile phone masts my local LR dealer(Stratsones Cardiff) has had a mast built across the road and know P38s wont start in one side of the car park however push it to the other side and hey presto it works (also heard M+S local carpark has a...
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    P38 DSE auto box glitch

    Hi this may have been asked before but here goes My 98 DSE auto 50k miles changes gear fine but doesnt dip the throttle as it changes to top all others ok now a guy at local dealeship said ther was a tech bulletin about this some years ago but i cant find it anywhere oil is fine xyz is fine...