1. C

    (P38 2.5 deisel) Cutting out, Engine not responding to Throttle!

    Fixed for now:). Multiplug terminals on end of injector loom corroded! Cleaned them up as good as I could, and engine running sweat with no cough while shuggling injector loom. Funny thing is, the pins on engine side of multiplug are perfectly bright and shiny copper like. Injector side looks...
  2. C

    (P38 2.5 deisel) Cutting out, Engine not responding to Throttle!

    Thanks, well Ill have a look at loom and other end connection, and hope thats it. will let you what I find.
  3. C

    (P38 2.5 deisel) Cutting out, Engine not responding to Throttle!

    So what the square plug about, can it be removed without breaking or disturbing anything?
  4. C

    (P38 2.5 deisel) Cutting out, Engine not responding to Throttle!

    I think Im on it, car started up fine tonight and had a look around things, when I shuggled the wiring that feeds in to the plug on side of FIP the symptoms were instant, so guess thats where the prob is, unless thats normal? So will have a look at wiring and plug connections at earliest...
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    (P38 2.5 deisel) Cutting out, Engine not responding to Throttle!

    Ill hav to see how much Fuse Box cost to replace. Im in Aberdeen. Yes thats what I fear- that they might not be good enough to interpret the symptoms along with the Diags too give somethin meaningful. From experinece garages just plug in cars, get the results & give you them with not indepth...
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    (P38 2.5 deisel) Cutting out, Engine not responding to Throttle!

    Lift pump ok, pumping through plenty fuel.
  7. C

    (P38 2.5 deisel) Cutting out, Engine not responding to Throttle!

    Im a bit reluctant to pay a garage to run Daig because its pretty expensive, and from experience its never helped with other cars Ive had:( Do the Relays normally get quite hot in that box to the extant you get electrical smells? Car has been going fine since it smoked two years ago, think id b...
  8. C

    (P38 2.5 deisel) Cutting out, Engine not responding to Throttle!

    I think its probably not temp related as when it was cold this morning the problem was apparent imediately on start up, then it stalled after 2 mins of rough idling. Next time I start it, probably tonight, it will probably be ok again till i drive a few miles. Also when warm and the probs come...
  9. C

    (P38 2.5 deisel) Cutting out, Engine not responding to Throttle!

    Unfortunately the Old Trusty Machine is playing up. If the car starts and runs fine it will after about 20 mins start playing up, power deterioates, idle goes up and down, then engine starts cutting out at speed and at idle, and also at this stage if it does idle it does'nt respond to throttle...
  10. C

    BATTERY DRAIN OR NOT 2.5 Diesel?

    Hi, how do know when the BECM is awake/as sleep? I think I've read some have a red light on the gear console? I don't appear to have one? Regards Ian
  11. C

    BATTERY DRAIN OR NOT 2.5 Diesel?

    Hi, I could unplug the rf box, should that be a problem? I have also tested all fuses for voltage drop and found non present where there should,nt be. Only found leak at clock/instrument fuse, and took it out aswell to see if there was signioficant differnce in amperage draw, and there...
  12. C

    BATTERY DRAIN OR NOT 2.5 Diesel?

    Hi all, I'm ging to have a look at the Rangy again tomorrow. I have been conducting teste with bonnet open, is that a problem for this? RF Reciever is the box immediately behind driver side rear seat under the parcel shelf side cowling against window. Disconnected a single blue wire if I...
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    BATTERY DRAIN OR NOT 2.5 Diesel?

    Did a check on my volvo to see what current draw is there when shut and came up with 0.04. So I was reading the meter correctly and it does appear that there is a massive draw from the battery on my Rangy (0.5A) While doing a check on the Rangy I was moiving wires and shuggling relays and the...
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    BATTERY DRAIN OR NOT 2.5 Diesel?

    I am suspecting I may be reading the multimeter wrongly. what I get on drain on the digital scale is 0.5 when meter set to 20Amps. I don't/can't get instrauctions for the meter as its old. However since the normal is around 0.005 I thinks this is what I'm getting. If I take out the clock...
  15. C

    BATTERY DRAIN OR NOT 2.5 Diesel?

    Hi all, I did already try unpluggin the rf reciever, which has made no difference. I've read that 0.5A would be normal for some cars. Supprised to 0.05- 0.03A more normal? Perhaps I'm not reading multimeter correctly! With the meter set at 20A scale, I get 0.5 on display? Thanks Ian
  16. C

    BATTERY DRAIN OR NOT 2.5 Diesel?

    Hi all, I'm suspecting my P38 2.5 diesel may have a battery drain problem. Either that or the battery is discharging itself revatively rapidly and needs replaced. On doing an Amp test over the negitive terminal and its lead the following was observed. Approx 0.75A when key taken...
  17. C

    Oil Type for P38 diesel?

    Hi all, thanks for all the input. I will be trying a semi-synth, this is good because my wifes R megane also uses a semi-synth, I'll get a 25lt and use it for both. Thanks Ian
  18. C

    Oil Type for P38 diesel?

    Hi all, I having difficulty finding out if the oil I should replace the engine with should be synethetic (semi-synthetic) or non synthetic. Its a P38 2.5 diesel. Thanks Ian