Fixed for now:). Multiplug terminals on end of injector loom corroded! Cleaned them up as good as I could, and engine running sweat with no cough while shuggling injector loom. Funny thing is, the pins on engine side of multiplug are perfectly bright and shiny copper like. Injector side looks like could be different material, of inferior anti corrosion properties. I dont expect the clean up to last forever, probably need to clean multiplug again in near future, doubt if you get these plugs new to fit yourself, so may fix up some other connection if prob resurfaces.
thankyou all.
Fixed for now:). Multiplug terminals on end of injector loom corroded! Cleaned them up as good as I could, and engine running sweat with no cough while shuggling injector loom. Funny thing is, the pins on engine side of multiplug are perfectly bright and shiny copper like. Injector side looks like could be different material, of inferior anti corrosion properties. I dont expect the clean up to last forever, probably need to clean multiplug again in near future, doubt if you get these plugs new to fit yourself, so may fix up some other connection if prob resurfaces.
thankyou all.

Another satisfied customer then. :);)

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