1. weyhey

    Just back from Morocco

    oh dear :(
  2. weyhey

    Just back from Morocco

    now now were not supposed to be writing rubbish for other people to read lol :) I like boobies to as well as other bits and pieces :D
  3. weyhey

    Just back from Morocco

    Very true :rolleyes:
  4. weyhey

    Just back from Morocco

    Of course tell me a lad who dont like a nice heel lol ;););):D
  5. weyhey

    Just back from Morocco

    Hmmm well I aint been on here for a long while but am back now :)
  6. weyhey

    Just back from Morocco

    Just tell her your taking the kids shopping but dont tell her where!! I'm off to Scotland and Ireland for me first trip then i'll venture over to France to where ever :
  7. weyhey

    what batteries

    Where abouts do you live instead of advising you can fit if you like :D only joking i'll take you up on that offer mind it'll be next year before i'll need any advice on that :rolleyes:
  8. weyhey

    what batteries

    I think I'll stick to the two batterys that seems to be a headache enough! I still haven't got me head round how to do this split charge thingy but I will when I get to it I'm a long way off that stage yet :(
  9. weyhey

    what batteries

    3rd battery bloody hell where would that go?
  10. weyhey

    what batteries

    I am just using red and yellow optima batteries but I'm also new to this, so now after you have said they wont give you enough power I'm not sure I have the right one's!!
  11. weyhey

    Just back from Morocco

    All going well I might see you there :) cash permitting that is :(
  12. weyhey

    Greenlaning in Northern France

    do you do discounts for groups :)
  13. weyhey

    Places to visit whilst in Scotland

    Depends on what time next year Grffdowg as me landie is still stripped down to the chassis, if its up and running i might well be interested in joining up
  14. weyhey

    Storage Boxes

    well i'm sure i'll be able to fab you some steel ones Griffdowg if you get stuck and can't find anything :)
  15. weyhey

    Storage Boxes

    I'm just going to fabricate my own boxes to suit what ever my needs are, i think it'll be cheaper and i can get some light gauge steel if any one might be interested!
  16. weyhey

    Just back from Morocco

    I have the same problem Kassap but i'm leaning more towards driving through france because i think me kids would enjoy all the different places through France and Spain, but i would like to know how much you could get the ferry for? :)
  17. weyhey

    Patching My Chassis

    Thats what i'm on with now cutting out the rusty bits and welding new pieces in! its never ending :( i had it shot blasted so that poke a few holes through it but at least i now know where its rotten :)
  18. weyhey

    How much play in diffs??

    I've got a fair bit of play in both my diffs on me 110 and would like to know my self. As far as i'm aware you can tighten them up and take the play out of it not sure how far you tighten them though!
  19. weyhey

    anyone used these split charge systems?

    It helps ISH thanks I ain't to good at that stuff never really done out like that, but theres only one way to find and thats do it I shall bear you in mind when I'm eventually ready to fit one if thats ok? :confused: then I can pick ya brains again :)
  20. weyhey

    anyone used these split charge systems?

    Hey i'll pick ya brains if thats ok? I'm rebuilding me 110 200tdi for expedition type stuff so i'd be using stuff like outside lights chargers, compressors and a winch etc etc what would be my best option apart from a genny? :)