
Well I have just returned from a fabulous trip to Morocco. I took my moderately prepared Disco 1996 TDI. I uprated the sussy and fitted a steering guard, dif guard and tank guard as well as uprated springs, dampers and a 2inch lift. Set of with an Engel in the back, and a Hannibal roof tent sitting on a modified safety devices rack. First port of call was Ich. This is a small village located on the Algerian border. Myself and three friends dropped of books, games and a generator for the school. The teachers do a brilliant job in difficult conditions. The next few days were filled with off road driving on some testing pistes (not much vehicle damage, but difflock got a work out. A great experience for everyone involved. Some nights were spent in the desert, others in small towns. Drop me a line if you want more info.
All the best. John - Switzerland
Morocco is a great country to visit. If you are palnning for off road driving, get a decent map or a road book. We downloaded some routes to our GPS. These proved invaluable as many tracks divide where berber tribes would go elswhere. The sandy pistes are hard to drive when it is hot, so avoid high summer. An ideal time would be around Sptember. It can get bloody cold at night in the desert. Underbody protect is required as pistes can change from sand to smooth pebbles to narly rocks.

Diesel is much cheaper than the UK, but petrol is twice the price. I was paying 75 euro cents a litre in most places. There is no real need to take extra jerry cans for fuel, as fuel is available everywhere. Food is cheap and good quality. I was down the eastern side of the country, and was often close to the Algerian border. Get used to being stopped and asked to give details of where you are going and where you have been. A smattering of Fench is useful.

Follow the rule of not off roading alone. The deserts are huge and lonely. Clearly indicated pistes shown on maps will often require crossing dry river beds or rivers . If it does rain when on the piste, I am sure it could be tricky.

Be prepared for lots of kids running towards your vehicles. They often want pens or sweets.

The currency is the Dirahm. 10 Dirahms is equal to 1 euro.

A freshly cooked chicken will cost around 60 Dirahms. Bottled water is cheap and clean.

Hope this helps.
Any tips on how to get down there? I've been trying to work out if its going to work out cheaper to ferry to Santader and then drive through Spain in two days (very expensive Ferry!) or take the cheap ferry through Calais and then spend four days and a lot more fuel and road charges...

If any one knows where to get cheap Ferry tickets for either the UK-Europe bit or the Europe-Africa bit thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
I drove to Almeria in Spain, and it cost 400 Euros to cross to Nadour. This is the going rate.

Let me know how it goes. J
I have the same problem Kassap but i'm leaning more towards driving through france because i think me kids would enjoy all the different places through France and Spain, but i would like to know how much you could get the ferry for? :)
Hi there, I'm at the early planning stages of taking my lads from the UK to Morocco in a Range rover. Considering converting to duel fuel (LPG) Driving from Calais to Gibraltar. Then ferry to Tangier. Easter seems a good time to go......? Any advise welcome. Cheers, Sandy.
Hi there, I'm at the early planning stages of taking my lads from the UK to Morocco in a Range rover. Considering converting to duel fuel (LPG) Driving from Calais to Gibraltar. Then ferry to Tangier. Easter seems a good time to go......? Any advise welcome. Cheers, Sandy.

if you convert to dual fuel (lpg) its going to rob you aload of space unless you go for the sill tanks. You can buy a lot of fuel for the cost of the conversion you only save about 20p a litre when you take into account the drop in miles per litre running on lpg. (thats at UK prices) approx JMHO
All going well I might see you there :) cash permitting that is :(
In my case I have the added complication of ex wife permitting! This wil be our first trip so not going any further than Fez....will same the mountains for next time. Gives me a good excuse to go back!
if you convert to dual fuel (lpg) its going to rob you aload of space unless you go for the sill tanks. You can buy a lot of fuel for the cost of the conversion you only save about 20p a litre when you take into account the drop in miles per litre running on lpg. (thats at UK prices) approx JMHO
Thanks for your advice. Would like to use Rangie more. I'm on carbs and the kit with twin sill tanks is under £600 so will have to scratch the head a bit. Sandy
Just tell her your taking the kids shopping but dont tell her where!! I'm off to Scotland and Ireland for me first trip then i'll venture over to France to where ever :
planning to go in 2008 in small group,i have a 101 3.9 on gas,been round france ect a few times havenot been to spain before is there plenty of campsites on the way thrgh or do we just stop in aier der's or wot ever there called in Spain
Can you comment on the fuel quality (diesel) and any problems with water in fuel?
Is it worth fitting an extra fuel/separator filter?

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