1. O

    wheel bearing fail

    Was driving down the road and heard a few scraping noises from the front wheel, thought it could get me home then the bearings failed big time. is a bit of a mess so now figuring out How can i best remove stub axle hub nuts? thinking a grinder and a big hamer, never seen a defender with camber...
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    Sailsbury plain 29.6.14

    Heading over to sailsbury plain on sunday, anyone else out there this weekend. ive never been so would be ideal if anyone else going to be around cheers
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    stuck in 4x4

    hi yeah ive tried that its the gear selector(red knob) that gets stuck cheers
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    stuck in 4x4

    Hi guys hoping someone can help, i've been off roading all weekend in high range four wheel drive.( high range yellow lever down).when i went to go into high range two wheel drive it will not let me select high range without four wheel drive .(down to low range to release yellow knob then back...
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    1969 swb series 2a resto

    ah thanks yeah that was me at trago took the missus shopping and had to have a look at the course, im near Taunton so quite close. hope your landy goes ok are you putting a rebuild thread on here ill have to have a look cheers. Where did you see the picture? i saw a guy there with a camera but...
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    1969 swb series 2a resto

    cheers for the replys, yeah its longer than tailgate, but just going to do it and see what happens. the tyres are old military Goodyear extra grip 7.50 16 on military rims(inch wider than standard) bought them from the local landlord who used to be in the army, good tyres seem pretty capable...
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    1969 swb series 2a resto

    a new way to advertise a run we organise "the black death" 10k, looks pretty funny and should get peoples attention. is it legal? whats sort of overhang are you allowed out the back of a landrover, any ideas?
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    1969 swb series 2a resto

    Well been a busy week rescuing people from the hills but the snow is now well and truly gone, ive pulled out god knows how many cars and cleared loads of fallen trees (got to use the winch, any excuse) so now its time for the floods. got up to exmoor at the weekend, didnt fancy tarr steps...
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    1969 swb series 2a resto

    yeah i think the wheels were nicked rather than ripped off as it had just slid up a bank and fell over wasn't actually smashed to bad, probably stolen as it not been claimed by anyone yet, and if it was your car you'd at least try to put it the right way up.
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    1969 swb series 2a resto

    Nearly made it to top of the hills last night but ran out of grip just short, then the fog came in pretty heavy which makes it interesting off road with no reverse light, still a good laugh though.
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    are you lot ready ??

    im ready for the snow but the 2 inch gap at the top of my door is annoying, although dosen't seem such an issue now that the door keeps flying open . ROLL ON THE SNOW
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    1969 swb series 2a resto

    Was a faulty slave cylinder and pipe ,cleaned it all up put a new hose on and works better than ever. Finally got the tyres muddy today was a good test run gotta check everything's still tight then its time for some proper mud, landy didn't miss a beat today, well impressed. Got to watch...
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    1969 swb series 2a resto

    Hi i bled the clutch today (its a new slave and master) and it worked correctly for a few miles then slowly had to push further and further on pedal to get into gear until had to pump it a few times to work right at bottom of pedal extension. When you say the pressure seal, does this mean ive...
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    1969 swb series 2a resto

    the alternator is on and the indicators now flash at hundred miles an hour, so i can drive at night now. got me spots wired in again next job recovery lights. unfortunatly on way home the clutch pedal gave up and i have to pump it a couple of times to get pressure but the fluid has not...
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    13th jan day out plains?

    ideal sounds good
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    off road weston

    hello ive just finished my landy and looking to get out and about. we have a scuffler but im looking to do some greenlaning or sailsbury plain as have a road legal landy now the terratagging (exmoor offroading) in taunton isnt on at the mo due to all the sites being to wet but when they do...
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    6.3 chevy-engined monster

    wow ace build, i know what engine id like next. what a beauty, not sure my chassis would stay very straight if i fitted one those lumps though.
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    13th jan day out plains?

    I'd be up for it as long as i don't brake the landy before then (fingers crossed). would i make it with a petrol engine, never been up there before so don't know the water situation. mud is ok but i cant do deep water cheers oli
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    1969 swb series 2a resto

    well i have tax so now fully road legal. The carburetor leak was an o ring between the two body's of the carb so got a gasket in the post, managed to fix the mix screw by re tapping the hole (once old mixer screw was picked out) and using bigger screw. unfortunatly the alternator swap...
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    1969 swb series 2a resto

    ideal yeah im off to exeter today to change it from plg to historic, the dynamo gave up again already so upgrading to an alternator today. i thought 50 top speed was just a joke but turns out this is true and that 40 miles an hour is my new cruising speed.good old land rover i came home from...