I'd be up for it as long as i don't brake the landy before then (fingers crossed). would i make it with a petrol engine, never been up there before so don't know the water situation. mud is ok but i cant do deep water cheers oli
I'd be up for it as long as i don't brake the landy before then (fingers crossed). would i make it with a petrol engine, never been up there before so don't know the water situation. mud is ok but i cant do deep water cheers oli

you,de be alright just follow everyone else to judge hwo deep the water is first ........... but saying that there is always a route round
The one time I think I'm gonna actually make it out for the first time laning....the Landy breaks and I don't get paid til Monday :( hopefully next time...
Hi Guys, would you mind if a new guy in a series 2 joined you? That is if my new fan turns up in time.
Propshaft arrived and installed, I'm good to go :D

Looking forward to it, it'll be the first time I've gone out laning with a group :)
Can you put me down as a probable please Rich? I know I shouldn't but I think I might have to put the Series through its paces!

Picking it up (if all's well) on Friday - swap some Scratchy bits over on Saturday and plains on Sunday. That'll do!
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