1. tom bola

    No lextrix...nothin

    Right. Before someone bursts their incontinence bag, I am pleased to report it's fixed. It was a foosty wire on the back of the unmentioned ammeter. Tried it today and it was fine, but mucho smoko from behind the gauge panel on the dash. All fixed now. I was not measuring the voltage the volt...
  2. tom bola

    No lextrix...nothin

    Charles thats whats bugging me. I have not touched anything. Worked fine for three years. Change a wee bit of fuel line and 20 minutes later its fooked.
  3. tom bola

    No lextrix...nothin

    Bashing ma heid off the wall. Asked mates and elsewhere... Replaced fuel line, primed fuel, cranked like hell, enjin started. Let it run for a while. Voltmeter upto 9 volts. Switch off. Tidy up tools. "better try starting again before going inside" Nothing. No starter, no ignition light, no...
  4. tom bola

    Landrover Show in Scotland??

    Ah ken u lot like yer photies, so here's yin frae the East Lothian Landrover 2006 Extravaganza. Ah nearly hud the full set, but the SII and 101FC owners decided to go fishin instead. :(
  5. tom bola

    hi from scotchland

    Hello frae me tae! Ma mate hus a rid yin just like yours but his is tax exempt lucky git. :D
  6. tom bola

    I love it!

    FORD = Fix Or Repair Daily.
  7. tom bola

    Doors Doors! who wants me tractor doors...

    Muddythelandy might be interested. I will tell her.
  8. tom bola


    Yep, ah wudnae be without mine either. I cringe thinking back to pre overdrive and 205R16's! Sloooooow.
  9. tom bola


    Ah need yin tae come n dae the hooverin n stuff.
  10. tom bola

    Anyone from midlothian ,scotland

    Aye, ah live aboot a mile frae Muddy Towers. And there's anuther series 3 and a 110 and a 109 between me n him. Oh, and a fermers 90 but that prob dont coont.
  11. tom bola


    Anuther wumman! Helooo there. That must be wot, 10 or 11 now?
  12. tom bola

    Greetings from Scotland

    Hello frae me tae!
  13. tom bola


    them r related tae heidi! (ffs)
  14. tom bola

    Alternator woes...

    ****ing hell. The light was on again all the way back from th station the night. There's gonna be sum serious checking for further frayedness at the weekend.
  15. tom bola

    Alternator woes...

    :o:o:o Ah will ken the next time. Mary, ah owe ye a gin on Seturday.
  16. tom bola

    Hello from the States

    Iripolfreitsicilians now thats a big wurd. Where's ma speek n spell book?
  17. tom bola

    Hello from the States

    And onywie, lifeslemon will probably be related tae me so he will maist likely understand the jaargon. Ah thought aa the septics were half Jockanese anyhoo!
  18. tom bola

    Hello from the States

    Now now, Scottishmanspeak is the proper language. Its just you southern jessies that dinnae peak propur. How come ye aa try n type on here wi a Scottishmanspeak accent onywie? Duz the forum software translate in baith directions :p?
  19. tom bola

    Best Rustproofer?

    Soonds like **** maintenance by the previous owner..... Reprimand him, chastise him and get Mrs Muddy to spank him severely. No you know why his face fell when you wanted to 'inspect it in the morning, when it's light' hehe. You coming oot tae play on Seturday?
  20. tom bola

    Hello from the States

    Hullo frae me tae. Ur oo gauntae need a proonnunciation book tae slob, tae gaun wi the speek n spel wuns?