There was one last year - I think it was officially the smallest Landy show in the world featuring 4 land rovers, with no landy stalls or autojumble. There was however a band, some archery a motorbike display and some home produce stands. TOM BOLA on this forum organised it and he was talking about a bigger (or indeed smaller, or for that matter none at all) one just today.

Ah ken u lot like yer photies, so here's yin frae the East Lothian Landrover 2006 Extravaganza.


Ah nearly hud the full set, but the SII and 101FC owners decided to go fishin instead. :(
God, seeing that photo has brought all the thrills and spills back in a rush!

Gonna do it again? there's more Landys in my valley now than other cars.

do it Do It DO IT DO IT DO IT again Again AGAIN

do it again Do It Again DO IT AGAIN!

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