1. S

    My Truck

    Can anyone throw some light on headlights? I fitted a new column switch and new dashboard switch, and now although my lights work somefing funny goin on! When I put the dash switch to postion 1 both side and dipped beams come on, in osition 2 only sides. I get Main beam on pos 1 but no...
  2. S

    My Truck

    I like the mirrors too so maybe I'll just leave them as they are, got enough to be doing first.. Reading through the forum I've noticed a couple of comments about parabolic springs sagging after only a few months, Mandy needs new springs and I was going to fit para's but now I'm wondering if...
  3. S

    Insurance for 17 year old

    Your problem isn't just postcode, engine size age etc it's bloody computers! All the insurance company does is pump all the info into the infernal machine and it weighs up all the statistics and hey presto they wont insure you! Accident stats for 17yr olds are very bad, but 17yr olds in Land...
  4. S

    My Truck

    So it should have door mirrors then, I'd assumed it would have had wing mirrors - ebay here I come!!!
  5. S

    My Truck

    Thanks for the info on the bleed nipples - would that cause problems as I'm having real trouble with the brakes, they're ok for 4 or 5 days then I lose pedal pressure and it just goes to the floor. No amount of pumping brings them back. I've change the master cylinder and the short metal pipe...
  6. S

    My Truck

    The mirrors! I wasnt sure how original they were, was thinking of adding defender style door mirrors but they not really a prority at the mo! Must get the gearbox and brakes sorted first! On the subject of the brakes, my wheel cylinders are confusing me! When I bled the system a couple of...
  7. S

    My Truck

    The door top was like that when I got her, some previous owners idea of a quick fix!! It's completely knacked the door and it only just keeps out the wind and rain! Lots of people have called it a truck so I just sorta got used to it, but I agree with you not the best of names!!
  8. S

    My Truck

    Well, I've been a member on here for a while thought it was about time I posted a few pic's of Mandy the Landy (My daughters name for the S3 not mine!!) She's not too bad, chassis seems fine, engine's ok a little smokey on start up (2.25 petrol) drives ok but gearbox is shot, graunches going...
  9. S

    Problems posting on For Sale

    Ok thanks for that I'll have to get on more often, even tho I was going to post a wanted ad, I'm not selling anything, I need all the bits I've got for my own Landy!!!!
  10. S

    Problems posting on For Sale

    Hi, I've been trying tp place a wanted ad on the For Sale forum, nut it's trlling me I dont have the correct permissions! Anyone got any ideas, I've posted once before sometime ago, so I cant see what the problem is.
  11. S

    dodgy brakes

    I had exactly the same problem, and it turned out to be the connector pipe between the master cylinder and the remote resevoir letting air in the system, so give it a check and replace it, you can get one for about £6! Bled the brakes and all was fine!
  12. S

    dodgy brakes!!!!

    Yeah, I checked the shoe adjustments, did them to the book when i bled the system! the pull off springs look ok but not too sure! gonna try changing the master cylinder, thanks for the tip about the bottom bolt, prob wouldve struggled for ages before sussing that one out!!
  13. S

    dodgy brakes!!!!

    Thanks for the replies guys, will check flexi pipes and master cylinder tomorrow (if I'm sober after tonight) Happy new year one and all
  14. S

    dodgy brakes!!!!

    Not sure how old the fluid was - But it had new wheel cylinders all round in November, and I bled the system through with fresh fluid, so I think the fluid is OK - someone has suggested the master cylinder maybe letting fluid past, but there doesnt appear to be any leak there!!!
  15. S

    dodgy brakes!!!!

    Hi all, My S3 88 has developed a bit of a braking problem! Now I know the brakes on a Series landy arent the best in the world, but mine just decided not to work!! On first press the pedal goes to the floor, but after 2 or 3 pumps pressure is back enough for them to work(ish). At first I...
  16. S

    And another newbie

    Hi all, thought it about time I introduced myself, have been viewing LZ for awhile and have last taken the plunge and bought myself a S3 88" Hardtop, she's a bit rough and ready but I have big plans! Picked her up yesterday and drove about 90miles home, first time in a series, bumpy, noisy...