1. Dirtneewbie

    Essex lanes

    Yes defo if i was keeping it just for road use they would be on it know as its a great look for the disco looks like it was made by TONKA lol just should be yellow
  2. Dirtneewbie

    Essex lanes

    Dont think i will be going for the 35s as it really cut down on the rear articulation, and to get them to work properly seemed a lot of work and still further cutting about so it will be 33s as not so much work to get them to work right :)
  3. Dirtneewbie

    Essex lanes

    No Flys on you there Matty yes there 35s trying out for fit Mikeys wheelsn tyres
  4. Dirtneewbie

    Essex lanes

    No Brian you got me wrong its not my desire to follow Mikey everwhere just found out the limits of the current suspension set up very early on and found it a bit of a hinderance... Yes a defender would have been better but i too like the leather n toys while it is on the road but when i get to...
  5. Dirtneewbie

    Essex lanes

    i would sooner have the truck set up for as best off road as i can so looking now to remove ARB and yet again change shocks n springs had a issue with rear spring sunday jumped out twice. Chris i have the rear arms cranked just fronts todo but after seeing Mikeys go up the same hill...
  6. Dirtneewbie

    Essex lanes

    no well yes anti roll bar is still on but well twisted after bures so its next on list to come off shocks n spring +2 inch terrafima
  7. Dirtneewbie

    Essex lanes

    i just changed the dam springs to heavy duty now i got to change erm again? as for the anti roll bars there all twisted after bures so there on there way out
  8. Dirtneewbie

    Essex lanes

    some nice pics there Mikey you have defo missed you calling :) now my concern is why its just lifting its wheels in the air and not articulating
  9. Dirtneewbie

    Essex lanes

    Well me n MikeyT conquered bures to day even after MikeyT trying his best to try to get me stuck .The Disco done me proud got a few good hill climbs under my belt as well and all with nothing broken so a good day out :)
  10. Dirtneewbie

    you cheeky Mofo least it works :)

    you cheeky Mofo least it works :)
  11. Dirtneewbie

    Essex lanes

    lol ouch stu sounds like pain well at least i no you spilt blood over doing the truck :) go for it stu you only live once as they say and its a reall easy job lol
  12. Dirtneewbie

    Essex lanes

    i was surprised at how little diffrence it made on the road going home was holding a steady 75 most the way home and you can see for milllessssss up there lol
  13. Dirtneewbie

    Essex lanes

    A GREAT BIG THANK YOU TO MATTHEW&STU who have now completed my 2inch body lift on the disco,after much swearing from matt we have got there and the disco drives the same as before the lift al lbe it the brakes seem to work better now,The truck has a very Tonka look about it and well pleased with...
  14. Dirtneewbie

    Essex lanes

    did you get it sorted out in the end Dan ?? the wheels?
  15. Dirtneewbie

    Essex lanes

    evening Micky Good xmas? :)
  16. Dirtneewbie

    Essex lanes

    matty did you get a chance to have a look?
  17. Dirtneewbie

    Essex lanes

    Some nice pics there Brian look like you guys are having fun out there :)
  18. Dirtneewbie

    Essex lanes

    ok thanks will have a look see whats what matty i still waiting on the lights for the roof bar they said early part this week have you got the breathers?
  19. Dirtneewbie

    Essex lanes

    evening guys ok CB Radios what to buy along with the arieal not got a scooby about this one can i get everthing i need for a 100 notes?? and what make cb would you buy?
  20. Dirtneewbie

    Essex lanes

    Right you lucky ppl i have another 5, Ex army Gerry cans up for grabs £10.00