Anyone going to Newbourne next week?

Yeah I'll be there until about 2pm when i go see the kids.

Still go a couple of things to sort on mine till I want to get it off road again , but getting closer now.

The fuelling is sorted, so with in the next few weeks hopefully will be dirty again.
Nick how far from Newbourne to where you have to collect the series, can give a hand if you need, do fancy a couple of hours driving so can combine the two.
A GREAT BIG THANK YOU TO MATTHEW&STU who have now completed my 2inch body lift on the disco,after much swearing from matt we have got there and the disco drives the same as before the lift al lbe it the brakes seem to work better now,The truck has a very Tonka look about it and well pleased with the results again thanks guys :) love n hugs to you both :):):)
A GREAT BIG THANK YOU TO MATTHEW&STU who have now completed my 2inch body lift on the disco,after much swearing from matt we have got there and the disco drives the same as before the lift al lbe it the brakes seem to work better now,The truck has a very Tonka look about it and well pleased with the results again thanks guys :) love n hugs to you both :):):)

Yeah, brakes work better coz you aint got shagged old ****ed up rubber and copper pipes anymore. Oh and all the **** out the brake reservoir has been cleaned out ;)

Stainless is the way forwards :D
i was surprised at how little diffrence it made on the road going home was holding a steady 75 most the way home and you can see for milllessssss up there lol
A GREAT BIG THANK YOU TO MATTHEW&STU who have now completed my 2inch body lift on the disco,after much swearing from matt we have got there and the disco drives the same as before the lift al lbe it the brakes seem to work better now,The truck has a very Tonka look about it and well pleased with the results again thanks guys :) love n hugs to you both :):):)

Thats OK mate, as long as your happy with it its the main thing, You should of heard some of the swearing we did over a few of the blots, and when Matt caught my finger and thumb with a mounting bolt he was hammering in you should see the blood blisters that I had to burst when I got home they were about 10mm diameter and about 6mm high in the end.......I must admit its making me wanting to do mine now more the ever, but hey ho.

I wish I had had my memory card in my phone to get some pics, but like an idiot I kept forgetting to put it in...So if you got a before or after one I'd like to see them.

One of the best things to do is the Stainless Brake Lines, make a whole lot of difference,
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lol ouch stu sounds like pain well at least i no you spilt blood over doing the truck :)
go for it stu you only live once as they say and its a reall easy job lol
lol ouch stu sounds like pain well at least i no you spilt blood over doing the truck :)
go for it stu you only live once as they say and its a reall easy job lol

LOL, yeah its is easy really, its just all the rusty nuts, the other silly little things that crop up to poke you in the eye... and of course the blood blisters... **** in the eyes, and of course Matt Bad language, lol

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