Like the sad git that I'am, I've marked all the lanes from the M25 up to Blakeney point.
I'm now starting to work my way across the country.
I need to get out more often.

Nice one! got the whole winter spring season to go with hopefully loads more laining trips!
Was a good day today. Didn't do much driving myself. Had a guy that works for me doing it all :) It was his end of year treat..... how cheap am I? :eek: No damage to report apart from my wallet.
Matt, are you joining us tomorrow?
If so can you bring another light. It was the wrong side. I need the left hand side (indicator on the left and sloping down. I'll give you the other one back.
Hi Nick, no I won't be coming as I am on call all day and need to be within 15 minutes of Ipswich. Will catch up with you soon as I got to grab a warn service kit from Mansfields and I can come past yours one afternoon maybe.
Confirm here please.

Boycie your welcome to join us.

oh bumholes.

i forgot bout this....


been working and spannering as i can do both at same place :)

removed rear roll bar cos it kept flipping up - (more flex but now handles like a boat)


AND it's crushed n/s brake pipe so only 3 brakes . . .

AND got at least 1/2 inch play in n/s front wheel so pretty certain the swivel bearings are royally ****ered (that's an engineering term). the leaking swivel gasket is a clue too . . .

AND monday i tried tweaking the fuel pump as per the guides given here and other sites but didn't notice any significant improvement really. . . . :confused:

oh - that's not quite true - i used 35 quid of derv going to canary wharf and back tuesday night instead of usual 15. :eek:

so that was straight back to original positions last night.


on a positive note, santa brought me a sticky bonnet number plate (lost 2 1/2 this year) 2 dozen pairs of socks (!), a wooly hat, a new Makita MXT set (2x drills + 3x battery - bout £400), a 1/2 inch air impact driver (woo!! pretend it's F1 pit stop time :D) and 2 solid weeks work over the Sprout & Overdraft season.

anyway - must stop ****ing about here and go earn money to fix my stuff. outside. with a shovel. or with secateurs in a 20ft bramble hedge. or in waders dredging the pond. ...

have fun & if anyones taking pics so i can see what i'm missing :(


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Glad you had a good time Graham. I helped (watched) Stu put his new wollybushes on today. Just got the back ones to sort then he should be knocker free :eek: :eek:

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