1. I

    hmm not a clue!

    Arr thats the pipe im talkin about its warn extreamily thin on part of it would this becausing a tickin/hissin sound due to the air being driven through the pipe ?
  2. I

    hmm not a clue!

    Lol its the vaccume supply pipe i was after pipe 2 in the "lack of power at 70-fixed" sticky
  3. I

    hmm not a clue!

    Lol no picture for it so im unsure wich pipe it is im sure theres a thread with the pic of solenoid valve think it one that got made a sticky it names the pipes just remberd about it...
  4. I

    hmm not a clue!

    Engine speed, i recently change the boost solenoid valve, i noticed that the one of the hoses on thier (its the fabric outercasing one) has worn.extreamly thin in one area could it be this, i dont suppose you know.what they are called for a replacement at all.
  5. I

    Freelander 1, All Terrain Tyres - Size That Will Fit?

    Dunno if you can get AT tyres this size but my freelander 1 has 225/55/17 and they seem perfectly fine
  6. I

    hmm not a clue!

    Hiya evryone im ever so slightly confused, my freelander makes a slightly fast ticking noise after 3,000rpm you can only hear this when the window on the drivers side is down its comin from the righ hand side of the engine (if you was sat inside) and the turbo seems slightly unreasponsive kiks...
  7. I

    rally car

  8. I

    Freelander 1 Brave little Freelander. Anyone on ere?

    Lol sounds bout right, 80kph and there shaking and falling to bits (personal expirence)
  9. I

    Freelander 1 Brave little Freelander. Anyone on ere?

    I know just got back and spent some my saving on my landy anyone know the size of nato landys tyres by any chance ?
  10. I

    Freelander 1 Brave little Freelander. Anyone on ere?

    boot polshing narrr stick to messing about with my landy whilst im on leave
  11. I

    Freelander 1 Brave little Freelander. Anyone on ere?

    It seems that squaddie banter and language seems to have a small diffrence to.tje banter on this forum ill have to adapt to the banter on here give it time :) probs not made the best first impressions
  12. I

    Freelander 1 Brave little Freelander. Anyone on ere?

    Using my fone so i didnt see the post sorry
  13. I

    Freelander 1 Brave little Freelander. Anyone on ere?

    Ill always be a c*** lol but it was refrence to storm though :p
  14. I

    Freelander 1 Brave little Freelander. Anyone on ere?

    Happy days.....still always be a c*** though :p
  15. I

    Freelander 1 Brave little Freelander. Anyone on ere?

    Grammer isnt my strongest point as long as you can kind of understand what im saying all is good :)
  16. I

    Freelander 1 Brave little Freelander. Anyone on ere?

    My bad then i appologise you was being a bit of a knob on another post of min accept my appologies
  17. I

    Freelander 1 Brave little Freelander. Anyone on ere?

    Storm99=bellend your a right dick mate if you have something negative to say on a positive post please dont feel the need to contribute to it you knob.....rant over
  18. I

    70mph problem solved

    Not propperly it was just a quick clean from what i could reach i didnt take it apart, gonna do it all.correctly when i get in work as they have all tools and cleaning equipment etc so hopefully it will be even more better today was just a quick clean of tjeEGR to see if i could get the boost...
  19. I

    70mph problem solved

    Yh im.thinkin about gettimg one next month it was disgusting the amount of crap in.there