
New Member
Hiya evryone
im ever so slightly confused, my freelander makes a slightly fast ticking noise after 3,000rpm you can only hear this when the window on the drivers side is down its comin from the righ hand side of the engine (if you was sat inside) and the turbo seems slightly unreasponsive kiks in but dosent seem as powerful has anyone got any ideas i havent go a clue....or maybe the tickin is normal and im just puttin ideas in my head its very quite though like i say you can.hear it with the window down but not up
Is the ticking proportional to engine speed, or Freelander speed?

Low power can be down to air hose leaks in the engine bay. A pin hole is enough.
Engine speed, i recently change the boost solenoid valve, i noticed that the one of the hoses on thier (its the fabric outercasing one) has worn.extreamly thin in one area could it be this, i dont suppose you know.what they are called for a replacement at all.
Lol no picture for it so im unsure wich pipe it is im sure theres a thread with the pic of solenoid valve think it one that got made a sticky it names the pipes just remberd about it...
Lol no picture for it so im unsure wich pipe it is im sure theres a thread with the pic of solenoid valve think it one that got made a sticky it names the pipes just remberd about it...

****! thought i was ****ed but not enough to make sense of this :rolleyes::doh:
The long hose you asked about is STC4545 and is £20.50 ex VAT

Here is a picture of the Hose and the Actuator you asked for

Arr thats the pipe im talkin about its warn extreamily thin on part of it would this becausing a tickin/hissin sound due to the air being driven through the pipe ?

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