1. S

    P38A The dreaded Traction Control & ABS Fault lights.

    Just assumed we were talking about OS front abs sensor. I refer to the moulded connector into which the abs sensor fly lead plugs.
  2. S

    P38A The dreaded Traction Control & ABS Fault lights.

    Had this been remedied? Along with every fault known to man and on landyzone's r us, I've had this very same problem. Every step seemed to solve it momentarily just as above. It turned out to be the wiring inside the moulded connector to the loom. A pure fluke showed it up. I effected a...
  3. S

    P38A Last post

    Wammers. You've helped me on numerous occasions and got me out of serious fixes. It's obvious you have immense respect, but, people don't know everything from birth. Some may contribute in the sincere belief they're being helpful. Even if they're down and out, dead in the water wrong there's...
  4. S

    P38A Binding NSR brake

    Snap. I've had this for an eternity. Before and after a complete rebuild and replumb. Same corner. Ditto the carrier. I had to really go to town on de-crudding. A bit of bright metal showing is good. I smeared , I mean smeared. copper grease on and it stopped the binding. The iron filings played...
  5. S

    What did you do with your Range Rover today

    What I did.................................... Sat in it and nigh on had a coronary. I've been looking down the barrel of my arch enemies the abs and tc lights on the dash and the accompanying bleeps for six or seven months and thousands of towing miles through Spain, France, England and Wales-...
  6. S

    P38A EAS pipelines

    I replumbed the whole of mine straight off a coil of industrial type tubing for not much money. Put a pressure guage in line for the receiver. Never even considered the need for bending as such. Had to be creative with ties. There are connectors, bends and Tees available if you really want to...
  7. S

    What did you do with your Range Rover today

    The usual.
  8. S

    2002. P38 4l thor/motronic. ABS, TC lamps

    Here we go! Back home . Done the jobs which took precedence on my return. Now scrawling round again in my scruff . After carrying out all of your suggestions I tried one last ditch attempt . I suspected a reluctor had been damaged by a sensor not popping up. Its tip was well and truly chewed ...
  9. S

    P38A On-board computer MPG

    I'm on the ferry from Cherbourg to Poole. (Thanks data, made it). Spain is not so prolific for LPG (gpl) so, to break the tedium and as a bit of light relief from outstarring the tc and abs lamps, I experimented with just this issue. Now, to totally massage your firm belief that your P38 is an...
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    2002. P38 4l thor/motronic. ABS, TC lamps

    That's really nice of you. Thankyou. Our sites are booked and so is the ferry. I'm no good at shooting the breeze as so many do through France. But if a disaster befalls us watch out for a tow truck. Thanks again. P.
  11. S

    2002. P38 4l thor/motronic. ABS, TC lamps

    I'm sure we do. Perpignan, Bordeaux, Nantes, Rennes, Cherbourg. I'll check the map and report. edit A10 north of Bordeaux for a while. stop one night Bordeaux and one night Nantes.
  12. S

    2002. P38 4l thor/motronic. ABS, TC lamps

    Thanks again all. As I mentioned im forced to put this down till the end of may. Currently packing up to go back whilst, somehow, avoiding a divorce. I sense, though, that the identity anomalies above-mentioned have in fact been ironed out. I loaded the latest firmware in. The rh front trace...
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    2002. P38 4l thor/motronic. ABS, TC lamps

    You've done it now. This will now morph into a thread longer than "what did you do with your ...............today";)
  14. S

    2002. P38 4l thor/motronic. ABS, TC lamps

    We encountered the yellow jacket thugs all the way down France from Cherbourg to Perpignan. Got diverted 6 times. When is the bricking up ceremony? Book me in. I'll go on the mixer and hod . Portsmouth to Santander November !!
  15. S

    2002. P38 4l thor/motronic. ABS, TC lamps

    This is official. Firstly thank you very much to all who have scratched their expert heads on this thread. I've complied with every single input . However, we're upping sticks on Wednesday and hauling our caravan back through Spain, France, England and Wales. Complete with my ol pals abs and TC...
  16. S

    2002. P38 4l thor/motronic. ABS, TC lamps

    I can only thank you for your attention. As you and everyone, I'm sure, knows I'm well out of my depth. I can catch up but it takes a while. A slow depress of the brake shoes brake switches operate momentarily in sequence on the nanocom screen. Today I reversed the feeds to the front sensors to...
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    2002. P38 4l thor/motronic. ABS, TC lamps

    voila. & thanks again
  18. S

    2002. P38 4l thor/motronic. ABS, TC lamps

    It's been a while, but this is the only input I haven't followed up on. I've had to do a "modicum" of homework to be able to carry a meaningful trace out. CSV files aren't permitted here. The trace shows all input voltages within the spec. Previously I had equi resistance both at the sensor fly...
  19. S

    What did you do with your Range Rover today

    Been to almunecar and got lost because I was too busy starring at the abs and tc lights on permanently. Then I put plasters on my thumbs having blistered them on my moby posting here. Just for show I cleaned the ratbag with the best wash and wax on the planet from alcampo in motril. Had my foot...
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    2002. P38 4l thor/motronic. ABS, TC lamps

    Keep em. coming, please. Yes. New switch, adjusted and readjusted. Nanocom sees them operational. I feel.it in my water someone will switch the light on at the end of the tunnel.