1. gazzab79

    4.6hse o.i.r.o £2995

    http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/251794451064?_trksid=p2060778.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT Decided that regrettably its time to sell the rangie. Its in excellent condition and runs faultlessly, and drives perfect. I just want a new toy. Since owning it ive spent quite a bit maintaining...
  2. gazzab79

    Terrible LPG mpg

    if you are doing a lot of around town driving its probably about right. Motorway runs it will be vastly improved
  3. gazzab79


    yeah i saw that. Also quite tempted at that price lol
  4. gazzab79

    Thinking of Selling

    someone offered me 2800 for it. and if it hadnt been at the garage i might of took the money. after sleeping on it i said no. plus its still at garage so i think bloke has given up now!
  5. gazzab79

    Thinking of Selling

    I have no garage, and after being self employed and missing 5 weeks of work after breaking my ankle im feeling the pinch! otherwise would be tempted to store it for a while.
  6. gazzab79

    What did you do with your Range Rover today

    Get the lpg srviced! should be done yearly!
  7. gazzab79


    overpriced! its only a p38 and its a diesel!!
  8. gazzab79

    Thinking of Selling

    i have ummed and aaaad about selling mine. But i know for a fact i will miss it too much and why should someone ear the fruits of my labour! My other half likes it, but has noted the amount of time ****ing about with it and hinted i should get something that will work more often than not...
  9. gazzab79

    Terrible LPG mpg

    just try googleling the name. Website works just went on it
  10. gazzab79

    Terrible LPG mpg

    arrgh lol urm http://www.crdperformance.com/
  11. gazzab79

    Terrible LPG mpg

    lol. buttons on my lap top are fooked. this is the place, know thre stuff and can give you a courtesy car
  12. gazzab79

    Terrible LPG mpg

    im not sure about leeds mate but there is a decent lace in bolton!
  13. gazzab79

    What did you do with your Range Rover today

    No me neither. I also managed to destroy one chain wrench! Bastard was tight, ended up using a 3ft bar just to move it!
  14. gazzab79

    dont knock it till uve tried it

    are you having problems mozz?
  15. gazzab79

    What Would You Do?

    take the rangie!
  16. gazzab79

    got lucky!

    i know! he even reset all the windows! forgot sunroof though! dont buy lottery ickets anymore, bloody rip off lol
  17. gazzab79

    What did you do with your Range Rover today

    I ran and flipped over a transit rear step when i was a kid. Still remember the pain!
  18. gazzab79

    got lucky!

    Arrived back in manchester after 2 weeks in spain yesterday and went to pick the car up from the meet and greet. Was surprised as it was outside engine running. Apparently the battery had gone flat. They had too call AA out as it lost sync etc. Think AA man must have known what he was doing...
  19. gazzab79

    synch mate near chesterfield

    i would love to buy it. im out of work for four weeks though after busting my ankle. so purse strings have been tightened!!
  20. gazzab79

    synch mate near chesterfield

    if it works on a gems engine i think i will!