1. Tinribs

    Tow bar woes...

    I've seen a photo in a fairly recent LRO (I think) of a 2a ambulance on a trailer being towed by another 2a ambulance. Bet that was a fun drive. I'll see if I can find it and whether it showed the towbar setup.
  2. Tinribs

    Series with Fordy V6's

    Will they fit straight out of all these early discos that are being broken now or are they different to RRC diffs?
  3. Tinribs

    Tax exempt plates ?

    We have police in Nottinghamshire?? No one told all the fieving bandits round hear about him. Where does this copper hide?
  4. Tinribs

    Series with Fordy V6's

    Years ago my brother ran a s111 88 with a 3 litre v6 on a range rover diff and it went great set up like that. I say a diff cause he only fitted one to the rear so had to remain in 2wd all the time, resulting in the embarrasment of being pulled out of some mud by a Rav4:eek:
  5. Tinribs

    Okay, This is gonna sound really "chavvy"...

    The only dump valve in my landy is installed on the drivers seat every time I get in.
  6. Tinribs

    door top replacement.

    Have ye got yer old door tops off? Mine were a reet bastid! They had rotted so much that they just crumbled at the bottom leaving the threaded bolt bit stuck in the door bottom. These turned out to be rusted in place solid and still wouldn't shift after a couple of weeks soaking in diesel, sas...
  7. Tinribs

    Landys vs Ladys

    Get yerself a 109" diesel - smokes like a bus, goes like a bus and if ya charge her every time you pick her up and drop her off late she'll feel quite at home. And if she likes trains, well the turning circle will be about the same.....
  8. Tinribs

    Landys vs Ladys

    My good ladys training is so far coming along well! Although she's never driven one on t'road yet, cos of insurance, she keeps on about buying one for herself. Think her next lesson will be to read the Land Rover Workshop Manual, followed by an oral test.;) :) :cool:
  9. Tinribs

    Car stereos etc

    My brother had a nice fancy set up in his 2a 109 with a Lasalle headlining that mounted the radio and two speakers up on the cab ceiling. Think there was also another bigger pair in the back in some orrible plywood boxes he made. Could hear guns n roses and sepultura quite clearly over the 2.25...
  10. Tinribs

    whats the difference between as followed

    and in the seat box was the holy grail, which was nice.
  11. Tinribs

    Project Series 2A

    Before the mainshaft could be built up, I had to check the end float of the 2nd and 3rd gears. As a new brass sleeve was fitted (two piece as opposed to the original one piece), the end float was too little as the sleeve was a little too long. This was corrected by rubbing down the ends of the...
  12. Tinribs

    Project Series 2A

    My gearbox is the series 2 type that is non-syncro between 1st and 2nd, although the kit that was sent to me contained parts for a fully syncro box. I gave them the number I found on the gearbox casing which is 06107554, anyone know if that is the correct number for such a gearbox? Prehaps they...
  13. Tinribs

    I'm about to torch it

    that white smoke you were on about is likely to be unburnt diesel in the exhaust gases, especially when the engine is cold. If there is still white smoke when the engine is hot, then prehaps the injector pump needs timing or reconditioning as well as the injectors. NFU-Local insurance, for...
  14. Tinribs

    Project Series 2A

    Well, I survived not only the surgen, but also the dried blood and **** encrusted floor of the room that the last patient and NHS had left for me. Anyway, I looked around for gearbox parts and it appeared buying individual bits from the usual outlets was going to be more expensive than buying...
  15. Tinribs

    ashcroft transmissions kits

    oh, and if your transfer box already has headache in it you could soon spend £100 in parts alone let alone time doing it or paying someone else so getting that kit would save you paying and repairing the box back to its original specs. If you get what I'm on about?
  16. Tinribs

    ashcroft transmissions kits

    they look good to me and their price seems alright compared to an OD off ebay that you do not know the history of. The only down side i see is if you want to do a lot of towing on the road, would it be too highly geared? Would a diesel cope either? but no, i've no experiance of them;)
  17. Tinribs

    Project Series 2A

    Just incase you think I've been sat on me arse doing nowt for the past few weeks, today I finished the gearbox rebuild........ I hope. I'll put the pics up in a few days, if I survive my surgery and stay in hospital.........I hope.
  18. Tinribs

    Project Series 2A

    Yes, I still had petrol in the tank. All I did was tape over the filler and breather holes on the tank. This is NOT totally safe, so don't blame me if you become engulfed in flames please! It was drivable by sitting on the petrol tank, taking care not to get wrapped up by the prop shafts and...
  19. Tinribs


    mmmmmmm............series landrovers?....................................fooked backs?................. You don't fink that there could be a.......nah......there couldn'd............could there? I used to hate them bad back people, always bloody moaning. Now I am one! Not by major accident...
  20. Tinribs


    I found a bit of motification today, was due to be in hospital first thing tomorrow to have a disc out my spine thats had me in agony for over a year now. Only they rang me up today to say that all the theater lights in the surgary ward had all blown up or some bollix and that the opp has been...