1. benpalmer

    Wanted 4.6 V8 Crank, conrods and pistons.

    I'm after a 4.6 V8 Crank, conrods and pistons. If anyone can help it would be appreciated.
  2. benpalmer

    P38A Door Crunching Sound

    Thanks all, as well advised I'm going to remove the super lock.
  3. benpalmer

    P38A Door Crunching Sound

    Ace thanks, i'll plug it in again. After reading the horrors of superlock i'm keen to stop it.
  4. benpalmer

    P38A Door Crunching Sound

    It does sound like it's coming from the lock area. I've heard of superlock but don't know much about it, time for some reading. How do you disable it?
  5. benpalmer

    P38A Door Crunching Sound

    Does sound something like that, but the windows work find when used normally.
  6. benpalmer

    P38A Door Crunching Sound

    Hi all, I'm still new to the P38 and still learning, today I learnt about "Lazy locking" which I've had on other cars and its been handy feature so enabled it on the nanocom and gave it a try: 2 presses of the lock button on the remote and.... It locks without issue (or awful noise) on the...
  7. benpalmer

    P38A Nanocom Tips

    Been through this learning experience my self recently. As noted above the Nanocom requires different ignition positions for different modules, and there lots of online help. BBS have user manuals you can download. Some times connectors get grimed up when fouled by water - this won't help...
  8. benpalmer

    What did you do with your Range Rover today

    Happy new year all. I started a nice "quick task" on the old girl over the Xmas break, I brought her with a fairly enthusiastic oil / coolant leak. Prior owner(s) must have not wanted to pay someone to fix, and couldn't do it themselves - instead topping up any loss. Plus side of this, is that...
  9. benpalmer

    P38A EAS Issues

    Top stuff. Thanks Kurt!
  10. benpalmer

    P38A EAS Issues

    Thanks for the info, I had calibrated on blocks prior, and will do again. But this that wasn't the problem for the rear left going mad. This was my stupidity - I mixed up two of the plungers (Inlet and RL), and as the plungers were of a different type it sent the system a little mad. I've...
  11. benpalmer

    P38A EAS Issues

    Had another play today, it's not the sensor on the rear left, swapped it for a new one and no change. However since last playing with it I left the upper tail gate (slightly) open and over the course of 3 days the front left dropped to the bumps. So I still have leaks, I'll get that sorted...
  12. benpalmer

    The show us your Range Rover thread

    Thanks all. Good to know about the seats - I'm sure I'll need to know that when ordering parts some time in the future. :D Still getting to know the P38, quiet nice to work on so far, but still very new. The photos make out she's in better shape than she is. A few dents and scratches to sort...
  13. benpalmer

    The show us your Range Rover thread

    Newest addition to my fleet, 2001 4.6 Thor, Oslo Blue Vouge. Not done much other than clear ABS faults, replace missing bits and a really good clean to get rid of the years of neglect.
  14. benpalmer

    P38A EAS Issues

    No problem, I'm not going to be going very far myself now! I'll pop you a message. Yes, took the block back out and traced all the wires into the pack to check colours just to double check. Yeah, I snapped the plastic lugs off trying to release the the right side one to inspect, that's before...
  15. benpalmer

    P38A EAS Issues

    Thanks all, I'll try swapping the sensor out, pretty sure the bugger will break. I'll have it off you if its up for grabs? Thanks.
  16. benpalmer

    P38A EAS Issues

    Hi All, Recently purchased another Land Rover, this time a 2001 RR P38 4.6 - she has kept me very busy! (ABS / EAS / CC / missing bits / oil leaks / HVAC Screen). However I'm having an issue with the EAS - well a few to be fair, but one I just can't get my head around. First off didn't rise -...
  17. benpalmer

    Camping Trailer Defender Sankey Hybrid

    Managed to get a long weekend away as a bit of test, only to a campsite but better than nothing. Worked fine, did bounce a bit with all the weight up high when being towed so makes me wonder about off roading with it as it is now. Guess I could just take a tow rope for when it does go over...
  18. benpalmer

    MOT Failure - HC Exhaust

    Well I spent the whole of Sunday messing around with it. Fingers crossed for Saturday!
  19. benpalmer

    MOT Failure - HC Exhaust

    Thanks All, I'll play around tomorrow, I took it for an "illegal" trip as it hadn't been run in a while so that may also help.
  20. benpalmer

    MOT Failure - HC Exhaust

    From what I know these are standard, i think LR changed to SUs for the later V8 carb models. I was about to have a look at mixture, but wanted to see if there is anything else to try first as I'm not particularly confident with it. The engine get ups to temperature no problem.