1. F

    Have the AA broken my 110 gearbox? Advice please.

    Redhand: That's good to know for future towing reference. Re: "all you had to do was steer". It was dark, I had no lights, all I could see was the back of his van, speeding down unknown windy country roads. You may be made of tougher stuff than me :cool2:, but I had white knuckles and a sweat...
  2. F

    Have the AA broken my 110 gearbox? Advice please.

    The key was turned so the steering lock didn't come on, but the engine wasn't running.
  3. F

    Have the AA broken my 110 gearbox? Advice please.

    All they did was take me out of gear and then tow me on the flat with a bar. No A frame or anything like that. It was pretty hairy doing about 40mph 6ft behind a van with no visibility.
  4. F

    Have the AA broken my 110 gearbox? Advice please.

    Not sure what gearbox it is to be honest. Reverse is top-left, next to first.
  5. F

    Have the AA broken my 110 gearbox? Advice please.

    Ah, good advice, thanks. Gears didn't actually go "mental" :) It felt like I was changing gears (through the stick). But when starting from a standstill it would stall in what was meant to be first and second (like trying to start in a high gear), neutral felt like third (its a V8 so you can...
  6. F

    Have the AA broken my 110 gearbox? Advice please.

    Storm 99: I was about 2 miles from the garage when it happened and I did call them out, but when it started working again I though it was just one of those random temperamental landy things and went on my way. Jamesmartin: It's at a garage in central Manchester.
  7. F

    Have the AA broken my 110 gearbox? Advice please.

    Hey guys. I broke down with a minor electrical problem a couple of weeks ago and called out the AA. After much bashing with a mallet (putting plenty of dents in several components) the AA chap decided that he couldn't do anything and that he needed to tow me to a garage. He towed me 15 miles or...
  8. F

    Speedo Working, Odometer Not Working. Help!

    Thanks for all the info guys. I've been in touch with the AA and they've told me that in order for me to be covered I need a new speedo (set at zero) and this needs to bit fitted by a garage as proof of no misdeeds. I've ordered one and booked into the garage. This place was the cheapest I...
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    Speedo Working, Odometer Not Working. Help!

    Okay. Cheers for the help guys. On the case for finding a replacement speedo unit now. Just rang landrover and they want nearly £400 for a new one!!! Not sure what to do about the mileage If I buy a second hand unit... Would I need to inform the dvla? Does anyone know of a good Landy...
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    Speedo Working, Odometer Not Working. Help!

    Cheers James. The trouble is that they've already got a reading of my odometer, so if it's at the same reading they'll know it's broken. When you say "speedo head" do you mean the speedo unit itself? sorry for my ignorance, I'm not much of a mechanic.....
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    Speedo Working, Odometer Not Working. Help!

    Hey guys. The speedo and odometer (I always called it a mileometer, but apparently I'm wrong) weren't working on my 1990 110 Defender. I've just changed the speedo cable which has fixed the speedo but the odometer is still not spinning. Has anyone get any ideas on how to fix this problem...
  12. F

    Have I been overcharged for a gearbox problem?

    I'm going to pick it up today. I've managed to knock him down to £400. He said his time cost £300 (fair enough) and the 2nd and third selector fork cost him £140... which sounds a bit pricey to me. I'll give it a good check over when I pick it up. Thanks for all your advice folks, much...
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    Have I been overcharged for a gearbox problem?

    It's an LR 110 V8 SW 1988 3528cc.
  14. F

    Have I been overcharged for a gearbox problem?

    Nothing from the previous owner unfortunately. I'm not sure what sort of gearbox it is. Symptoms were: A bit of crunching going into second for a couple of months. Then for one day we struggled to get into any gear. The next day it was stuck in third gear (the gearstick seemed to be moving but...
  15. F

    Have I been overcharged for a gearbox problem?

    Thanks guys. He said he had to take the box off. I'll get more details off him later today. I'll ask him for a guarantee too. The annoying thing is, it had a new box put on just before we bought it!
  16. F

    Have I been overcharged for a gearbox problem?

    Hi guys. I've had my 110 in the garage for the past two weeks due to a gearbox problem. The guy said he'd fit it in between jobs so he could charge us less as we weren't in a massive rush to get the problem fixed. He's just got back to us this morning and said the problem was with the 3rd and...