1. D

    Derbyshire night lanes

    That's a bit under about leaving the landy! Hope you get it sorted mate and at least it didn't happen out on a lane.
  2. D

    Derbyshire night lanes

    Looks like it's just me then... Hope you got back ok Chris
  3. D

    Derbyshire night lanes

    Can meet near hollinsclough and work our way up to charity lane like you suggested. Do you want to meet around 6-6.30? Can't believe no else is up for this.
  4. D

    Derbyshire night lanes

    = 1.chris akitadefender 2.dolf4x4 3. 4. 5. 6. I'm up for this Saturday for me though can't miss topgear on a Sunday haha
  5. D

    Derbyshire sun 5th anyone????

    Yeah see your point, don't really want loads of land rovers trundling around in the middle of the night. Keep me posted then.
  6. D

    Derbyshire sun 5th anyone????

    I might be up for a bit of night laning next Saturday. Are you starting s new thread?
  7. D

    hartington/biggin quarry 26th feb

    10am is good for me! Yeah it is one of the smaller ones but it's a good day out for a tenner :)
  8. D

    hartington/biggin quarry 26th feb

    Cool looking forward to it! What time do you get there? And it is the one just off the A515 isn't it?
  9. D

    hartington/biggin quarry 26th feb

    Have you got room for a little one?
  10. D

    Derbyshire sun 5th anyone????

    Some good photos and videos there lads! Shame I didn't get chance to meet up with you all. Still managed to get a few good lanes in myself and plenty of snow drift bashing too :)
  11. D

    TONIGHT Derbyshire Reconnaissance Mission PLUS Hollinsclough Steps HARDCORE Climb

    It might be coz I did it on my phone mate and I'm not near my laptop at the moment.
  12. D

    TONIGHT Derbyshire Reconnaissance Mission PLUS Hollinsclough Steps HARDCORE Climb

    As you've been waiting all day her you go... Haha YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. http://m.youtube.com/index?client=mv-google&desktop_uri=%2F&gl=GB&rdm=4pf3n23ra#/watch?v=XZSSFNgglVs
  13. D

    TONIGHT Derbyshire Reconnaissance Mission PLUS Hollinsclough Steps HARDCORE Climb

    Sorry to disappoint but I only took two short videos and I don't think either are worth posting up as it was just so dark. I'll post them if you really want to see them.... But I think they're crap.
  14. D

    Derbyshire Laning Sunday 15th Jan, South Peaks/North Staffs.

    I'll be in the local B&B. Haha. March sounds better for me, gives me time to save up and get the disco through it's MOT
  15. D

    Derbyshire Laning Sunday 15th Jan, South Peaks/North Staffs.

    Videos as promised Roych Clough green lane derbyshire 2 15/1/12 - YouTube Roych Clough green lane 1 15/1/12 - YouTube Green laning derbyshire 15/1/12 - YouTube Green laning 15/1/12 - YouTube
  16. D

    Derbyshire Laning Sunday 15th Jan, South Peaks/North Staffs.

    Cheers sam!! All I'm saying is when nature calls you've gotta answer it! Especailly after a curry the night before! Haha. The last video's taking forever to upload so I'll post them up later when I get home. Thanks everyone for a top days laning.
  17. D

    greenlane snow run TONIGHT

    Went up there last night with mr noisy, but it had nearly all melted. Otherwise I'd of come up tonight. Did you go snow ploughing in the end?
  18. D

    derbyshire laning

    Thanks for a top days laning! But next time I think I'll be bringing plenty of food with me... I was the guy in the green disco by the way