1. B

    Rear air bag replacment

    Cheers wammers like i said ordered new o`ring and colletts we will see were we go from there.
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    Rear air bag replacment

    Used to do all my own spanner work until lost a leg 2yrs ago not so mobile now.
  3. B

    Rear air bag replacment

    Cheers wammers ordered the o` ring kit and found colletts from p38 spares will post update when parts arrive and fitted. The mechanic is OK have used him for many jobs on car it seems the bag came with no o`rings as i checked the other one and none in there to, just one of these lucky things
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    Rear air bag replacment

    so nobody know if you can buy spare parts ie o`rings and colletts for air bags
  5. B

    Rear air bag replacment

    Took collett out and it looks like a piece of tin and no o rings looks very cheap, Can you buy new colletts and o rings and if so of who please.
  6. B

    Rear air bag replacment

    Just been to garage and looked at pipe i pushed the pipe into collett but you can just pull it back out does not feel like it is sitting in proper
  7. B

    Rear air bag replacment

    No o ring just the collett ,the pipe broke of when he was removing first bag. Is there a swage on pipe or can you just push a cut pipe back into new bag,looking at threads about this people say you can cut pipe and push straight back in
  8. B

    Rear air bag replacment

    Hi Guys, Update on the EAS problem on p38. Back end droping over night so decided to changs rear air bags. Gone into garage to have them changed the mechanic as phoned to say changing first one but the pipe broke of when taking the old bag of,Gone to fit pipe in new bag and it as blown...
  9. B

    Update on eas problem

    So you think the bags are knackered and showing as rl signal incorect.
  10. B

    Update on eas problem

    Hi Guys, Update on the ongoing sager of EAS Problem. Story up to now? back end on p38 drops down after turning engine of and standing for 10mins or 10 hrs. Pluged EASunlock in and came up with 4 rl signal incorect( which i think is a ride height sensor on rear left side) and ( 7 vehicle as...
  11. B

    Suspension problem carrys on

    HI Guys` Further to the tread posted yesterday. Went to work this morn at 7am took out the relay under seat to stop car self leveling,Came out at 5pm and the back end on both sides` are down to bump stops:confused:. Thinking when this started i droped the suspension down so my mother could...
  12. B

    Suspension fault on p38

    Put suspension up full the pasenger side rear bag as signs of wear to the bottom of bag the one on drivers side looks new sprayed with soapy water no signs of leak i have had the car 3yrs so can not say how hold bags are.will take the relay out tonight to see if it drops if it does not drop what...
  13. B

    Suspension fault on p38

    Hi Guys, Yet again a small problem on my 2001 v8 suspension:confused: Right the problem as just started the back suspension on both sides drops this can take 10mins or 24hrs. I have put fairy liquid on the bags no leaks as i can see but i am thinking if it is a leak would it not drop...
  14. B

    stuck fast spark plugs

    Is yours the Gems engine easy on this Try thor engine not easy:cool:
  15. B

    stuck fast spark plugs

    Hi Guys, Just changed the coil packs and leads on 2001 p38, Yes you can change the coil packs without removing the inlet manifold but what a pig of a job. Anyway my problem is come to change the plugs but they are stuck fast and will not move,Do not reallywhant to put heat and big bar...
  16. B

    more electrical p38 problems

    thanks wammers, Just ordered new plugs leads and replacement alternator of flebay,
  17. B

    more electrical p38 problems

    Hi guys, First of may i say a big thank you to wammers and datatek and all other members for there info yesterday about my problem. New update car is still turning radio,satnav,and warning lights on and of, But the new problem is it as developed a missfire, Drove to work this morning very...
  18. B

    radio turns itself on and of

    Hi do not know what voltage but the alternator as been making noises since the top hose blow. think it got a lot of water in it. andy
  19. B

    radio turns itself on and of

    Just gave it a 10 mile run fault happened 5 times then stops when gets hot never did it again all way home:confused::confused::confused::confused::confused:
  20. B

    radio turns itself on and of

    Hi tried diconecting sat nav before due to haaving loads of problems with it but it still same fault. Just run wife to work and it turned it self of twice and then seems to sort it self out forgot to say it knocked radio of and had to put key code back in. seems to do it on start up and...