Hi Guys,

Yet again a small problem on my 2001 v8 suspension:confused:

Right the problem as just started the back suspension on both sides drops this can take 10mins or 24hrs.

I have put fairy liquid on the bags no leaks as i can see but i am thinking if it is a leak would it not drop straight away.

Just been out this morn and sprayed the bags and it is still up? this as realy got me :confused: so any help would be great :)

If the bags are original, they need replacing, the design life is 7/8 years. The leaks are usually in the area that folds under and open and close as the bag moves. Put it up to wading height and see if they look perished and try your soapy water test again.
Pull the relay under the passenger seat and see if it still drops overnight.
Put suspension up full the pasenger side rear bag as signs of wear to the bottom of bag the one on drivers side looks new sprayed with soapy water no signs of leak i have had the car 3yrs so can not say how hold bags are.will take the relay out tonight to see if it drops if it does not drop what does that then mean.

Do you think it is worth changing bags anyway.

Suspension is still up full and as not gone down,surley this means there is no leak as it would have gone down straight away,and is pointing to a elec fault.
With the timer relay and a leak the leaking corner will drop but when the timer comes in it will level the suspension at the lower height.

Remove the timer and the leaking corner will still leak but the car will not attempt to self level so it should be obvious which corner is faulty.

Don't forget that the air in the bag is the same air all the way back down the pipe to the valve block so a leak need not necessarily be in the bag. However if you can see wear then it's definitely time to consider replacing bags. Like most things on an axle, brake shocks etc. it's always better to replace both. If one still looks good off the car then you could sell it to someone less sensible.
Put suspension up full the pasenger side rear bag as signs of wear to the bottom of bag the one on drivers side looks new sprayed with soapy water no signs of leak i have had the car 3yrs so can not say how hold bags are.will take the relay out tonight to see if it drops if it does not drop what does that then mean.

Do you think it is worth changing bags anyway.

Suspension is still up full and as not gone down,surley this means there is no leak as it would have gone down straight away,and is pointing to a elec fault.
Put the car at normal height and pull the relay, the leaks open and close as the bags flex.
If a bag looks worn, better to replace it before it goes bang at some inconvenient time.

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