1. tomroane2003

    defender 300tdi help needed

    I bought a new pump the other day but thought if its just that then can send pump back n save some money.
  2. tomroane2003

    defender 300tdi help needed

  3. tomroane2003

    defender 300tdi help needed

    Cheers for the reply, but that's the wrong part you sent a link for. The pipe I'm after is an L shaped union that's about 2inches long with a flange that bolts to the pump and other end fits hose and jubilee.
  4. tomroane2003

    defender 300tdi help needed

    Hi guys, wonder if i can pick anyones brains!!!!! my power steering went on my defender 300tdi the other day, iv been under the bonnet and its the union pipe between the pump and hose thats blown at the flange but i cant seem to find anywhere online to get one from. Can anyone help...
  5. tomroane2003

    Result of my landrover saga

    Haha its 97reg Igloo, it is shiny lol gets alot of TLC every weekend. The logs are for my chainsaw carving at my mates yard lol :-)
  6. tomroane2003

    Result of my landrover saga

    http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b396/tomroane2003/295856_10150360956013428_660958427_9949602_448776635_n.jpg The new fender 300tdi :-)
  7. tomroane2003

    Result of my landrover saga

    I did ratty lol. mate works at Vauxhall n did i full on one for me. Got it from Agricultural and cross country vehicles in stourbridge. Picking it up Saturday
  8. tomroane2003

    Result of my landrover saga

    I went out yesterday and got my self a 97 reg 300tdi. i'll put pics on soon.
  9. tomroane2003

    Result of my landrover saga

    The only thing I paid on credit card was £500 deposit, but was covered under section 75 consumer credit act and for consequential losses.
  10. tomroane2003

    Thats it, jumped in :-)

    nice one bud, u passed me in me works van on the m62 on thursday. lovely bit of kit u got there
  11. tomroane2003

    Result of my landrover saga

    Hi everyone, so........ finally iv got the result i was hoping for. After alot of research n relentlessness i got a letter back from the visa company confirming they are going to pay me back the full amount of £6330.29 under section 75 of the consumer credit act which covered me for...
  12. tomroane2003

    My email to trader and traders response to selling me a stolen vehicle !!!

    cheers guys. im not out to slag anyone off, i jus find it stupid how there is no law whatsoever that is in favour of the victim. I was refused a road tax refund too which takes the **** even tho i sent a cover letter explaining the whole situation and why i wanted a refund. i put 12months on it...
  13. tomroane2003

    My email to trader and traders response to selling me a stolen vehicle !!!

    hear hear. just wanted to show people the traders response. Im currently trying to pursue the matter through Visa under section 75 of the comsumer credit act which insures the buyers goods and consequencial losses for the full amount of purchase. Also went to see my local MP today who is going...
  14. tomroane2003

    My email to trader and traders response to selling me a stolen vehicle !!!

    What Consumer credit have to say: Dear Mr Roane, Thank you for your enquiry to Consumer Direct. The key legal points in response to your enquiry are as follows: When a consumer purchases goods from a business, they will have rights under the Sale of Goods Act 1979 as amended. This...
  15. tomroane2003

    My email to trader and traders response to selling me a stolen vehicle !!!

    what he replied: Tom, I am very sorry to hear what has happened to your Landrover. Whenever I purchase a vehicle or even take one in as a part exchange I do all reasonable, available checks. I rely on information I receive from "text check" ie an hpi check. At the time in came back all...
  16. tomroane2003

    My email to trader and traders response to selling me a stolen vehicle !!!

    what i sent: Hello Jan I bought a blue Landrover Defender 90 (E236 SWN) from you in March 2010 – I bought it from you for £2995 and have since spent at least a further £3000 firstly to get it to pass the MOT and also to fix a number of issues with the engine as well as adding my own...
  17. tomroane2003

    what are my rights as my landy has been comfirmed as stolen and ceased??????

    The guy that stole the vehicles and changed their identities had computer records of the vehicle registrations that he had cloned. So the police had a nice long of vehicles to look out for and mine was one of them.
  18. tomroane2003

    what are my rights as my landy has been comfirmed as stolen and ceased??????

    Cheers jamie, i sent all my invoices for all my additional purchases totalling 3060 pound, this is just what i could find, to the insurance firm who now have my landy. Its called QBE and they have taken my landy to a storage facility somewhere down south. I managed to get hold of my tax disc...
  19. tomroane2003

    what are my rights as my landy has been comfirmed as stolen and ceased??????

    A trader in bolton called yan the landy man
  20. tomroane2003

    what are my rights as my landy has been comfirmed as stolen and ceased??????

    what do i do when a defender i bought over 15months ago costing me £3k + £4k in mods and repair has been comfirmed as being a stolen vehicle and ceased by the police. This is part of a huge stolen landrover ring originating in Birmingham. would be great if anyone could help me. i have...