
Active Member
Gone and bought myself a '96 300tdi landy 90 with a few mods this weekend, not stopped grinning yet :-D, Will post some pics once i get a chance
pics as promised:



Cheers guys :-D More than happy at the minute, got your usual dings and bits to sort out that makes a defender.....well......a defender really lol
Nice bit of kit. Stay out the tight lanes with that though, or the paint wont last long :).

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Not sure about size but one of them is egg shaped!

I was travelling back from Barnet v Vale yesterday and stopped at a motorway service station. As we pulled on I saw two 90's pulled up and one of them was the beast in this thread so me and my fellow landy-owning chum strolled across to have a butcher's around it.

Thanks for letting us have a browse. She surely is a fine looking beast, poorly tyre apart!

I pick up my 110 tomorrow having just parted with my Disco. If i can make it half as nice as that I'll be happy.

Enjoy your motor. It's a beast.
'Kin 'ell that one hell of a "jump in" looks superb. :)

Did you enjoy your drink in the Dog and Partridge last Sunday ? My son served you drinks and was so impressed with your Landy he took pictures to show me.
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