1. M

    Do you regret buying a Freelander?

    The country has changed a lot in the last 15 years I've have been here. The highway between Dubai & Abu Dhabi is mostly a 16 lane highway, no more speed bumps. But I do remember them, and the cars in the sand with collapsed suspension for those who couldn't slow down in-time. Hatta pools is...
  2. M

    Do you regret buying a Freelander?

    Thanks, we've had fun in the UAE with the car. But now it's in Lebanon the very poor roads and constant up & down mount Lebanon is taking it's toll on the car. I'm flying back to Lebanon in Feb with spares; poly bushes, bearings, belts, Power steering pump and mundane stuff etc... I...
  3. M

    Do you regret buying a Freelander?

    I've just uploaded a few images using the "Insert Image' button pointing to my own profile gallery images. Hope it works! Lebanon UAE
  4. M

    Do you regret buying a Freelander?

    Yes, will do when I get back to my other home sometime next week.
  5. M

    Do you regret buying a Freelander?

    I've had my 2.5 V6 since new (2002) and it's still going. Exported into Lebanon 6 years ago and the roads here give all cars a trough time, but it continues to climb mount Lebanon (bloody steep in places) OK even though it's a little down on power these days. It has some knocking sounds...
  6. M

    Softback side panels wanted

    Hi all, Anyone got two soft-back side panels going? I have been keeping any eye on ebay but no luck lately. I only need the side panels, the car is in Lebanon and shipping a complete replacement soft-back is just too expensive. Payment by PayPal or I could call with my credit card if...
  7. M

    2001 V6 setup after export

    After six years of use in Dubai I exported my 3door soft back V6 to Lebanon and wondered if there is any change in the EMU set-up? Before exporting it I got a full service. I am finding hill climbing a but of a struggle at the moment.
  8. M

    Latest trip

    a means to buy toys.
  9. M

    Latest trip

    Work, the working week in the UAE is Sunday to Thursday.
  10. M

    Latest trip

    You guys are just nuts ;-) You have nother better to do on a Sunday?
  11. M

    Latest trip

    naw! neither, a hairy snorting warthog that bites
  12. M

    Latest trip

    Agricultural yes, but with lifted suspension great fun. The old V8 was easy to work on with no complex electronics, you just pray the EMU did not fail.
  13. M

    Latest trip

    Shame! These new cars cannot handle rust. My old Classic relied on rust to stop the rear diff from catching up the front diff most of the time.
  14. M

    Latest trip

    I think with a handle like 'molestrangler' I am out for a bit of ribbing. Landrovers are not meant to be clean and shiny, most in here seem to be a bunch of softies, driving in their shiny freelanders on tarmac!! 4x4 envy = dirty, muddy, distressed landrover. GPMG mount preferred...
  15. M

    Latest trip

    Hope, i've hand the same handle for years, no point in changing. Anyway don't give a crap what anyone thinks, I have to be thick skinned as a Mac user, all you dullard Windoze users out there. Had a water supply problem today, just got it fixed. I needed a shower after the trip yesterday poooh!
  16. M

    Latest trip

    Molestrangler comes from a comidy character calles 'Dame Celia Molestrangler', she had a friend called 'James P. Gruntfutuck'. I kind thought it was funny.
  17. M

    Latest trip

    Just back from my latest trip in to the mountains of UAE and Oman. Seven hours driving in all and not as many pictures as I would like, the girls were looking with there eyes and not with the camera. The narrow gorge was great (no pictures!) the vertical wall must have been over 100 meters...
  18. M

    Typre choice

    It's down to 35 Degrees Centergrade, looks like it will be a nice winter here.
  19. M

    Cannot upload pictures

    Thanks! Are problems fixed relatively quickly on this website or do they take an age to get around to site maintenance?
  20. M

    Cannot upload pictures

    Ah! here we go, it takes a PC user to start a completely pointless discussion.