Molestrangler comes from a comidy character calles 'Dame Celia Molestrangler', she had a friend called 'James P. Gruntfutuck'. I kind thought it was funny.
Hope, i've hand the same handle for years, no point in changing. Anyway don't give a crap what anyone thinks, I have to be thick skinned as a Mac user, all you dullard Windoze users out there.

Had a water supply problem today, just got it fixed. I needed a shower after the trip yesterday poooh!
molestrangler said:
Molestrangler comes from a comidy character calles 'Dame Celia Molestrangler', she had a friend called 'James P. Gruntfutuck'. I kind thought it was funny.

No offence molester :p

I think its a good name anorl:D
Nice o you to join in;)

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