yu mite a had yo nosh - but i woz in the middle o mine - not any more.

oh - look on the carpet - mushroom sauce ;)
hes a bloke, cause he dunt mind snail trails on his settee,,

Dont think his mam would be too chuffed mind:D
I think with a handle like 'molestrangler' I am out for a bit of ribbing.

Landrovers are not meant to be clean and shiny, most in here seem to be a bunch of softies, driving in their shiny freelanders on tarmac!!

4x4 envy = dirty, muddy, distressed landrover. GPMG mount preferred!

Anything less is for poofters! Get you're dirty laundry out for everyone to see!
Shame! These new cars cannot handle rust.

My old Classic relied on rust to stop the rear diff from catching up the front diff most of the time.
molestrangler said:
Shame! These new cars cannot handle rust.

My old Classic relied on rust to stop the rear diff from catching up the front diff most of the time.

That tracters for yer:p
Agricultural yes, but with lifted suspension great fun. The old V8 was easy to work on with no complex electronics, you just pray the EMU did not fail.
if it wur a gaylander it would have a big huge hairy bottomed vulture hanging about overhead
hes changin his mind - first he said he had an EMU - now its a warthog. - maybe it aint a hippo he got, but a wartburg?
a fooooooooooooooookning wartburg?????????? is there any of them things left on the road... i thought they was ex-stink

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