1. M

    Cracked the inlet manifold :(

    Thank you :) I think we're just about alright (for the moment) We fixed the pump and got it back to Weston. Just after we got off the motorway it started making a whining noise from the general gear/transfer box area so we took it straight to our mechanic and told him we didn't want the damn...
  2. M

    Cracked the inlet manifold :(

    I think that this thread needs a new title... Disco drove beautifully over to Bristol this morning. Approx half a mile away from work I noticed the tiniest wobble in the power, and switched it from gas to petrol to see if there was any difference just before getting off the motorway. It didn't...
  3. M

    Cracked the inlet manifold :(

    I'd say that; :doh: describes it all so much more elegantly than I ever could :p Scary thing is, I'm actually really enjoying myself... He's been out for a run, and the bodges seem to be holding. I'll be taking a big bottle of water, the rest of the epoxy filler, plus the toolbox with me to...
  4. M

    Cracked the inlet manifold :(

    An update... Boyfriend returned with steel epoxy gubbins which we've now used to fill the crack and hole for the sender. I've tracked down an undrilled replacement manifold - figure I can sort the drilling/tapping for LPG injectors later. We waited until the epoxy had cured, then it started...
  5. M

    Cracked the inlet manifold :(

    :D Boyfriend is currently inflating his bike tyres so that he can go and fetch some gunk for bodging (bless him!) He did repair my PC yesterday just before wrecking the car, so I won't write him off quite yet :rolleyes: Thanks for the encouragement. We already have both Rave and Halfords...
  6. M

    Cracked the inlet manifold :(

    Thanks :) just a shame you're not closer! We're trying to sort out either a temporary bodge, or alternative transport with our mechanic, but longer term it obvously needs a more permanent fix. I've managed to find a couple of Discos on ebay being broken for spares, but I forgot to mention...
  7. M

    Cracked the inlet manifold :(

    Arses! I was hoping not to have to shell out for one of them this week.
  8. M

    Cracked the inlet manifold :(

    So...if a V8 is over/under-revving and generally acting up, one of the possible solutions might be to replace the coolant temperature sensor? Turns out that we ordered a sender rather than a sensor, but what the hell, replace it anyway, right? Over-zealous boyfriend tightened the (as it turned...
  9. M

    Disco spat the cat...

    Thank you :) We'll get to work (tomorrow now!) - thinking of playing it safe and replacing rather than removing. I presume that only the HT lead, amplifier or coil itself could restrict the spark to dist...? We'll get checking them and report back.
  10. M

    Disco spat the cat...

    Hey all Our 3.9 Discovery V8 EFI '96, had some 'issues' starting for the last 2 weeks following a dizzy cap/rotor arm replacement. Finally got it going this afternoon after trawling forums and manuals and testing everything in the ignition system we could find, plus extracting and fixing the...