1. FatManSam

    Operation Discovery!

    Poor S71 lol xD
  2. FatManSam

    Operation Discovery!

    Yup, great day out, thanks again for all your help Langers, very, very much appreciated. Father quickly took her away to work, so the pics will have wait Landyzone! Thanks again to S71 and Robint for the kind offer of help - a credit to Landyzone ;)
  3. FatManSam

    Operation Discovery!

    Picked her up, driving her now. Drives great. Will post some proper pics up tonight.
  4. FatManSam

    Operation Discovery!

    Fatmansam here, packed into the family renault spastic with Langers as well! Off to devon to get the Disco! Will report with updates once we've got it.
  5. FatManSam

    Traction control

    All P38s have traction control - the early ones have it on the rear wheels, but I think the newer ones have all four wheels with traction control.
  6. FatManSam

    Things to check when buying a Disco?

    Righto will do, thanks :D
  7. FatManSam

    Things to check when buying a Disco?

    Hello, Picking up a 1997 Disco 300Tdi next tuesday and will be our first Landy. Now, we've bought many cars in the past, and obviously there are certain checks one does when buying any car ( I'm not going to bother going through them). However, are there any things in particular i...
  8. FatManSam

    If you don't ask..

    Paul ive got loads of perfectly fine Tdi engines in my "Perfectly fine engine warehouse." You know, they just lie around. Come pick one any day, got some brand new TD V8 just lying around you know.
  9. FatManSam

    Greetings from Kent!

    PS, i'll pop some photos up as soon as i get it, absolutley can't wait to get my hands on that steering wheel and take it straight down to the local off road tracks.
  10. FatManSam

    Greetings from Kent!

    Oh yeah of course, silly of me to ask :rolleyes:
  11. FatManSam

    Greetings from Kent!

    Which series Landy is that you've got in your sig? Looks brilliant.
  12. FatManSam

    Greetings from Kent!

    lol, my mate warned me about all the jokes and stuff that goes around on this forum, don't worry, i've got plenty up my sleeve.
  13. FatManSam

    Greetings from Kent!

    Hello everyone, I've always been a fan of Land Rovers since i can remember. They're design, practicality, mobility, engineering - everything really - has kept me keen to learn more about them. However, it was only a month ago or so i passed my driving test (i've just turned 18) So i've never...