
Well-Known Member'll never know, so here's a question for the mass's.

I'm short on cash in a lump sum atm, looked at a few 200TDi engines about and some are pretty cheap ( £100-£500 ) but i have a steady weekly income on the go for buying bits n bobs and i'd like a TDi lump to work on as a project.

Sooooo what i'm asking is if any readers have a TDi lump lying about in their shed/garage that they don't require, but needs work doing on it, i'm happy to take it off their hands for beer tokens. I'm happy to strip it down as far as needed for repair as long as the case's are fine. I'm looking at a possible 6 month gap to get anything into a working unit with the bits required for a transfer into my 90.

I know most will say just buy one, but i prefer to ask on here first and to work on one as a project rather than buy one and chuck it in, but i may have to go along that route in the future.

Like i said, if you don't ask, you'll never know if someone is hording one ;)

Tdi? Free? Pahahahahaaa!


Seriously now, I'm sure someone will come along with something... :rolleyes:
you can have mine if ya collect was running fine it just had an issue with breathing heavy..alternator is missing and the wiring but starter etc is all there,i could let ya have the rad and intercooler for a small fee aswell
**** me your on something, so you want £250 of engine for nothing:hysterically_laughi:hysterically_laughi:hysterically_laughi

I 'd like a anything going free and a Hugh hefner bunny party please.
If there's any spare parts going & Minty dun't get 1st choice. Heads are gonna roll.. :eek:
Paul ive got loads of perfectly fine Tdi engines in my "Perfectly fine engine warehouse." You know, they just lie around. Come pick one any day, got some brand new TD V8 just lying around you know.
Paul ive got loads of perfectly fine Tdi engines in my "Perfectly fine engine warehouse." You know, they just lie around. Come pick one any day, got some brand new TD V8 just lying around you know.

Excellent, i'll send the kids round on a skateboard to pick one up...
Paul ive got loads of perfectly fine Tdi engines in my "Perfectly fine engine warehouse." You know, they just lie around. Come pick one any day, got some brand new TD V8 just lying around you know.

Oh yeah, I know the one, right next to the 'Free Meals - no strings attached!' cafe.

Wouldn't mind a TDV8 for me 'fender though :D:D:eek::rolleyes:
I'll have a word with a chappie for ya tommorrow paul, Might want something for it and you may have to pick it up though, not sure if it's a runner or not but could be ok as a project. I'll find out anyways (Can't put it in mine anyways I'd lose me free tax)

Although I must say mate, asking for a free engine is a bit of a cheap shot :p
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I'll have a word with a chappie for ya tommorrow paul, Might want something for it and you may have to pick it up though, not sure if it's a runner or not but could be ok as a project. I'll find out anyways (Can't put it in mine anyways I'd lose me free tax)

Although I must say mate, asking for a free engine is a bit of a cheap shot :p

to be fair though,he did offer some beer tokens.:hysterically_laughi:hysterically_laughi:behindsofa:
I'll have a word with a chappie for ya tommorrow paul, Might want something for it and you may have to pick it up though, not sure if it's a runner or not but could be ok as a project. I'll find out anyways (Can't put it in mine anyways I'd lose me free tax)

Although I must say mate, asking for a free engine is a bit of a cheap shot :p

Thanks for the offer Jay, i have got one now though :)

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