1. R

    bio fuel in L322 td6

    Thanks for the advice ,
  2. R

    Code reads VA Signal fault & res pres static.

    phoned dealership .conway land rovers ,they said there was no recall on my vin number for hevac switch ??L322 2004
  3. R

    bio fuel in L322 td6

    Had a look but cant fnd a thread ,plenty on the p38. BUT Any one using bio in an L322?I've been offered a bio plant ,but....do I leave it alone with the L322 .any advice out there .Thanks
  4. R

    l322 sat nav

    Any body know ..can u put post codes into sat nav menu or is it only street names that it acepts also can you reprog it so it does not predict what your trying to type ?thanks
  5. R

    sport headlights

    wish whoever did mine had seen them ,back of my head lights looks like an electrician' s nightmare
  6. R

    Code reads VA Signal fault & res pres static.

    Thanks Nathan.will give them a call &report back
  7. R

    Code reads VA Signal fault & res pres static.

    Now confirmed ,Va message is to do with pump stopped or lazy or lazy and my battery drain was the heavac switch ,thanks to all who tried .taking it back for a service & new switch ,hope the pump hangs in there and I get a few more mpg after the service,22/24 at the moment (L322)??
  8. R

    2.5 dt overheating when towing..... help please

    Or just loose belts (treched after 9 months use) after refit
  9. R

    Code reads VA Signal fault & res pres static.

    VA signal update,,,Hi Guys ,well I had a trip to Ian Barkly's garage on the Wirrel,cos the guy I bought the RR from insisted it went there for Diog.test ,apparantly he had spent £400 with him prior to selling to make sure all was ok.Initial test show possible comp replacement.and after 7hours...
  10. R

    Discovery TD5 Diagnostics

    Ive been checking Bearmach . they claim the print out catalogue(list of what it will do etc) info has NOT been upgraded on the web site but say on l322&320 it will now reset service milage and a few other things now it has the 4 upgrade,one advatage is its not set to one vin number only to each...
  11. R

    no brakes??????!!!!!!!

    sounds like fluid,or its got air in the system if the fluid too got low ,is it loosing fluid?aircould creep in overnight how long is it since the fluid was drained and renewed .also could be the master cylinder seales knackered.Sometime good old fashioned mechanicing is the way forward.
  12. R

    new toy

    I just bought a 2004 vogue .My seller said it was anolog tv so no reception ,ask the dealer ,no upgrade available through them,found a place on google in edinburgh ,,silly money ..how often would you use it anyway?.However putting it into serch mode it picked up 3 RTE progs from Ireland.I live...
  13. R

    My rear-view mirror is leaking - honest !

    must be loads of mirrors at the scrappers that would fulfill legal requirements !
  14. R

    Code reads VA Signal fault & res pres static.

    Thanks every body ,guess I 'll have to have it back to the stealers,will phone them Mon to see if the upgrades have all been done Thanks for looking Roger
  15. R

    Fuse 27 ..L322 ..EAS CONTROL????

    Thanks again Wammers found the codes as u suggested ,unfortunatly no artical about VA code
  16. R

    P38 saggy head/roof lining

    Did mine with spray glue a few years ago.was ok for a while but fell off again later .I dont think spray glue likes temperature changes ,ie hot days cold days damp days ,condensation.. .I glued lightweight carpet to the inside if a horse box ,same thing ...ended up reglueing and stapleing...
  17. R

    Fuse 27 ..L322 ..EAS CONTROL????

    HI guys ,Ive had a battery drain,had the auto elec look(£40) he said drain showing on Fuse 27 ..says just take it out at night( or I can pull your car apart to find fault).Next day ..refit fuse 27 Air sus inavtive comes up.Had eas reset (£40) Differant garage...all ok all day, susspension...
  18. R

    sorry didn't see this thread ...newby

    Hello to all you helpful guys.My name is Roger Goodier ,I live on Anglesy North wales.I am an oap but still got enough in me to enjoy my new toy L322 RR(2004) so not quite spent all my kids inheritance on it .Thanks to all who responde to my first problems on an obvious large learning curve...
  19. R

    Code reads VA Signal fault & res pres static.

    Hi I had the air sus inactive message .went t o the stealers and he read the codes .result was 1,Resovoir pressure static when filling &2,VA signal fault .I read a thread about res pres stat ,some one suggested res pump needs replacing ,any other suggestions ,can't find anything on VA signal...